标签:core 0kb 文件 filename 重要 mat batch only das
1 #下载后 2 tar -zxf RECON-1.08.tar.gz 3 cd RECON-1.08/src 4 make 5 make install 6 #给recon.pl脚本中添加路径,第三行 7 $path = "*/RECON-1.08/bin"
1 #下载后 2 tar -zxf RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz 3 cd RepeatScout-1.0.6 4 make 5 ##会生成build_lmer_table, RepeatScout-###两个程序
1 #选择Linux command line 64-bit ,下载后,直接使用,不需要解压缩
#下载后 tar -zxf rmblast-2.10.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz #即可
1 #下载后 2 tar -zxf RepeatMasker-4.1.0.tar.gz 3 cd RepeatMasker 4 chmod -R 755 * 5 ./configure. 执行后一步一步来,输入需要的路径 6 7 #首先是perl环境,默认自动检测,或者手动更改perl主程序路径后回车继续 8 #然后是TRF, 输入包含TRF的路径 9 #序列搜索引擎,刚才安装了RMblast,先选择RMblast,然后回车,然后选择5 done 10 #提示 完成安装,将RepeatMasker设置到环境变量即可
1 #下载后 2 tar. -zxf RepeatModeler-2.0.1.tar.gz 3 cd RepeatModeler-2.0.1 4 chmod -R 755 * 5 perl ./configure 根据提示,一步一步来,和上面repeatmasker类似
(1)RepeatModeler 预测基因组重复序列,为下一步的RepeatMasker建立重复序列数据库
1 #建库,利用rice 一个实例fasta文件 2 BuildDatablase –name ricedb –engine ncbi rice.sample.2.fa 3 4 #参数说明 5 -name <database name> 6 The name of the database to create. 7 -engine <engine name> 8 The name of the search engine we are using. I.e abblast/wublast or rmblast. 9 -dir <directory> 10 The name of a directory containing fasta files to be processed. The 11 files are recognized by their suffix. Only *.fa and *.fasta files 12 are processed. 13 -batch <file> 14 The name of a file which contains the names of fasta files to 15 process. The files names are listed one per line and should be fully 16 qualified. 17 18 RepeatModeler -database ricedb -pa 5 19 20 #参数说明 21 -database 22 The name of the sequence database to run an analysis on. This is the 23 name that was provided to the BuildDatabase script using the "-name" 24 option. 25 -pa # 26 Specify the number of parallel search jobs to run. RMBlast jobs will 27 use 4 cores each and ABBlast jobs will use a single core each. i.e. 28 on a machine with 12 cores and running with RMBlast you would use 29 -pa 3 to fully utilize the machine. 30 -recoverDir <Previous Output Directory> 31 If a run fails in the middle of processing, it may be possible 32 recover some results and continue where the previous run left off. 33 Simply supply the output directory where the results of the failed 34 run were saved and the program will attempt to recover and continue 35 the run.
1 #将上一步的结果文件(自动生成,以“RM”开头)里面的consensi.fa.classified为libirary,对参考序列进行序列屏蔽 2 #运行 3 RepeatMasker -nolow -e ncbi -pa 5 -norna -dir ./ -lib consensi.fa.classified rice.sample.fa 4 5 #重要参数 6 -nolow. (不屏蔽低复杂序列,担心屏蔽后使得基因结构受到影响) 7 Does not mask low_complexity DNA or simple repeats 8 -lib [filename] 自己制定的重复序列库 9 Allows use of a custom library (e.g. from another species) 10 -e(ngine) [crossmatch|wublast|abblast|ncbi|rmblast|hmmer] 11 Use an alternate search engine to the default. 12 -pa(rallel) [number] 13 The number of sequence batch jobs [50kb minimum] to run in parallel. 14 -norna 15 Does not mask small RNA (pseudo) genes 16 -dir [directory name] 输出文件位置 17 Writes output to this directory (default is query file directory, 18 "-dir ." will write to current directory). 19 -gff 20 Creates an additional Gene Feature Finding format output
标签:core 0kb 文件 filename 重要 mat batch only das