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IPC-6012E : Qualification and Performance Specific

时间:2020-03-01 00:34:50      阅读:217      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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IPC-6012E specification covers qualification and performance of rigid printed boards, including single-sided, double-sided, with or without plated-through holes, multilayer with or without blind/buried vias and metal core boards. It addresses final finish and surface plating coating requirements, conductors, holes/vias, frequency of acceptance testing and quality conformance as well as electrical, mechanical and environmental requirements. IPC-6012E incorporates many new and expanded requirements in areas such as back-drilled structures, alternative surface finishes, copper wrap plating, marking inks, solderability testing, plating overhang, microsection evaluation, thermal shock and performance-based testing for microvia structures. For use with IPC-6011. Supersedes IPC-6012D.

IPC-6012E : Qualification and Performance Specific

标签:wrap   any   environ   nts   info   ack   baidu   rman   cal   


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