标签:rom exists and sha class date pre config ike
Exists 效率应该比in 高一些
SELECT DictItemID,DictSortCode,DictSortId,DictItemName,DictItemSName from scm_dict where EXISTS( SELECT DictSortCode FROM scm_dict_config where DictSortCode= scm_dict.DictSortCode) and del_flag=‘0‘ order by DictSortCode SELECT id ,DictItemID AS dictItemID ,DictSortCode AS dictSortCode ,DictSortId AS dictSortId ,DictItemName AS dictItemName ,DictItemSName AS dictItemSName from scm_dict where EXISTS( SELECT DictSortCode FROM scm_dict_config where DictSortCode= scm_dict.DictSortCode) and del_flag =‘0‘ order by DictSortCode SELECT dictSortCode from scm_dict where dictSortCode=‘sys_bargainor_type‘ SELECT * from scm_dict where create_by !=‘excel‘ or create_by is NULL and DictItemSName like ‘%集团%‘ update scm_dict d,scm_dict_config c set d.DictSortCode=c.DictSortCode where d.DictItemSName=c.DictSortName and d.DictSortCode is null and (c.DictSortCode like ‘%_type%‘ or LENGTH(c.DictSortCode)>12) SELECT d.id,c.id, d.DictSortCode,d.DictItemSName,c.DictSortCode from scm_dict d INNER join scm_dict_config c on d.DictItemSName=c.DictSortName where d.DictSortCode is null and (c.DictSortCode like ‘%_type%‘ or LENGTH(c.DictSortCode)>12)
标签:rom exists and sha class date pre config ike