标签:划线 span osi 删除线 com conf line sys strong
1. 常用创建标签方法汇总:
a. Label::create() // // 被声明为已否决
b. Label::createWithSystemFont()
c. Label::createWithTTF()
2. 标签加入特效汇总(列出顺序与源码构建顺序一致):
a. enableGlow
b. enableOutline
c. enableShadow
d. enableItalics
e. enableBold
f. enableUnderline
g. enableStrikethrough
3. 标签还可以设置颜色:
auto layerLabels = Layer::create(); this->addChild(layerLabels, 1); auto label_01 = Label::create("I‘m the first label", "Microsoft YaHei UI", 36); // 被声明为已否决 label_01->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 1 - label_01->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_01); auto label_02 = Label::createWithSystemFont("I‘m the first label", "Microsoft YaHei UI", 36); label_02->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 2 - label_02->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_02); auto label_03 = Label::createWithSystemFont("I‘m the second label", "Arial", 36); label_03->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 3 - label_03->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_03); auto label_04 = Label::createWithTTF("I‘m the third label", "fonts\\arial.ttf", 36); label_04->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 4 - label_04->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_04); TTFConfig labelConfig("fonts\\Marker Felt.ttf", 36); auto label_05 = Label::createWithTTF(labelConfig, "I‘m the fourth label"); label_05->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 5 - label_05->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_05); auto label_06 = Label::createWithTTF(labelConfig, "I‘m the fourth label"); label_06->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 6 - label_06->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_06); auto label_07 = Label::createWithTTF(labelConfig, "I‘m the fourth label"); label_07->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 50 * 7 - label_07->getContentSize().height / 2); layerLabels->addChild(label_07); // Outline 和 Glow 不能共存 label_06->enableGlow(Color4B::RED); // 发光 label_05->enableOutline(Color4B::RED, 2); // 边框 label_04->enableShadow(Color4B::RED, Size(2, -2)); // 阴影 label_03->enableItalics(); // 斜字体 label_02->enableBold(); // 粗体 label_06->enableUnderline(); // 下划线 label_07->enableStrikethrough(); // 删除线 label_07->setColor(Color3B::YELLOW); // 设置颜色
标签:划线 span osi 删除线 com conf line sys strong