标签:eth ack script 占位符 html red 数据 htm 方法
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <style type="text/css"> .activated {color: red} </style> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <!-- 列表渲染 v-for --> <!-- v-for="(item[, index]) of list" item 表示当前项,index可选,表示当先项的下标--> <!-- key:唯一的,提升性能 --> <!-- 动态添加数据 不能使用下标插数据 vm.list[3] = {goodsId:"0004", "goodsPrice": "¥1299.00"}数据发生该变,但是不会渲染页面 动态改变必须通过遍历方法改变,例如push pop slice 数组的方法,或者直接改变数组引用vm.list = [{},{},{}] --> <button @click="handleIndexLoad">下标动态加载数据</button> <button @click="handleForeachload">遍历动态加载数据</button> <div v-for="(item, index) of list" :key="item.goodsId" > <span>{{item.goodsPrice}}</span> <span>---{{index}}</span> </div> <p>渲染占位符 只会渲染template包裹的元素</p> <template v-for="(item, index) of list"> <span>{{item.goodsPrice}}</span> <span>---{{index}}</span> </template> <p>对象遍历</p> <!-- v-for=‘(value[, key, index]) of listObj‘ --> <!-- value,对象每个属性的值 key,对象每个属性 index,下标索引 --> <!-- 动态添加数据 不能像js一样直接添加属性obj.key = value 数据会发生改变但页面不会渲染 --> <template v-for="(value, key, index) of listObj" :key="value"> <p>{{value}} --- {{key}} --- {{index}}</p> </template> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> let vm = new Vue({ el: ‘#app‘, data: { list: [{ "goodsId": "0001", "goodsPrice": "¥5899.00" },{ "goodsId": "0002", "goodsPrice": "¥3599.00" },{ "goodsId": "0003", "goodsPrice": "¥1299.00" }], listObj: { "goodsId": "0001", "goodsPrice": "¥5899.00", "goodsInfo": "直降500元!到手价5899元!享12期免息!低至16.2元/天", "goodsShop": "华为京东自营官方旗...", "goodsImg": "http://..............." } }, methods: { handleIndexLoad () { this.list[this.list.length] = { "goodsId": ‘000‘+(this.list.length + 1), "goodsPrice": "¥399.00" } console.log(this.list) }, handleForeachload () { this.list.push({ "goodsId": ‘000‘+(this.list.length + 1), "goodsPrice": "¥399.00" }) console.log(this.list) } } }) </script> </html>
标签:eth ack script 占位符 html red 数据 htm 方法