标签:arp quit 消息 标题 raw 程序 span class query
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter.messagebox as mb import webbrowser class RosDecrypt(object): file_lists = [] name = ‘‘ pwd = ‘‘ def __init__(self): self.root = tk.Tk() # 获取当前屏幕长宽 screenwidth = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self.root.winfo_screenheight() # 设定窗口的大小(长 * 宽) width = 240 height = 180 # 设置窗口在屏幕居中 size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) self.root.geometry(size) varName = tk.StringVar() varName.set(‘‘) varPwd = tk.StringVar() varPwd.set(‘‘) # 创建标签 labelName = tk.Label(self.root, text=‘用户名:‘, justify=tkinter.RIGHT, width=80) # 将标签放到窗口上 labelName.place(x=25, y=25, width=80, height=20) # 创建文本框,同时设置关联的变量 self.entryName = tk.Entry(self.root, width=80, textvariable=varName) self.entryName.insert(‘end‘, ‘xiaoradmin‘) self.entryName.place(x=100, y=25, width=80, height=20) labelPwd = tk.Label(self.root, text=‘密 码:‘, justify=tkinter.RIGHT, width=80) labelPwd.place(x=25, y=50, width=80, height=20) # 创建密码文本框 self.entryPwd = tk.Entry(self.root, show=‘*‘, width=80, textvariable=varPwd) self.entryPwd.place(x=100, y=50, width=80, height=20) self.entryPwd.bind(sequence="<Key-Return>", func=self.login) buttonOk = tk.Button(self.root, text=‘登录‘) buttonOk.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.login) buttonOk.place(x=60, y=90, width=50, height=20) buttonCancel = tk.Button(self.root, text=‘取消‘, command=self.root.quit) buttonCancel.place(x=120, y=90, width=50, height=20) # 启动消息循环 self.root.mainloop() # 登录按钮事件处理函数 def login(self, str): # 获取用户名和密码 name = self.entryName.get() pwd = self.entryPwd.get() if name == ‘xiaoradmin‘ and pwd == ‘1234567888‘: self.root.withdraw() self.Main() else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror(‘Error‘, message=‘密码错误!‘) def Main(self): login_ui = tk.Tk() login_ui.title(‘深圳市小二极客科技有限公司‘) # 给窗口设置标题 这里为空 screenwidth = login_ui.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = login_ui.winfo_screenheight() width = 350 height = 350 size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) login_ui.geometry(size) login_ui.maxsize(350, 350) # 创建组件 top_label = tk.Label(login_ui, text=‘ROS解密工具‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 15), width=40, height=2) self.entey_int = tk.Entry(login_ui, bg=‘white‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 12)) self.entey_int.place(width=133, height=20) self.text = tk.Text(login_ui, width=16, height=1, font=(‘黑体‘, 12)) label_query = tk.Label(login_ui, text=‘输入SN查询‘, width=9) bottom_label_1 = tk.Label(login_ui, text=‘用心做好车 天生为创客‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 10), width=40, height=1) button_write = tk.Button(login_ui, text="文件模式") button_write.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.rasp_write) button_help = tk.Button(login_ui, text=" 帮助 ") button_help.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.help) button_exit = tk.Button(login_ui, text=" 退出 ", command=login_ui.quit) button_query = tk.Button(login_ui, text="手动模式", command=self.query) # button_query.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.query) top_label.place(x=-25, y=0) label_query.place(x=190, y=60) self.entey_int.place(x=150, y=90) self.text.place(x=150, y=110) button_query.place(x=185, y=140) bottom_label_1.place(x=130, y=330) button_write.place(x=15, y=95) button_help.place(x=240, y=205) button_exit.place(x=15, y=205) login_ui.mainloop() # 查询函数 @staticmethod def query(self): txt = self.entey_int.get() if len(txt) != 8: self.numbe_Error() else: str_num = RosDecrypt.author(txt) print(str_num) self.entey_int.delete(0, "end") self.text.insert(‘end‘, str_num) return str_num # 文件模式界面 def rasp_write(self, str): write_ui = tk.Tk() write_ui.title(‘文件模式‘) # 设置界面最小且屏幕居中 screenwidth = write_ui.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = write_ui.winfo_screenheight() width = 350 height = 350 size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) write_ui.geometry(size) top_label = tk.Label(write_ui, text=‘请点下方按钮进行写入或生成!‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 12)) top_label2 = tk.Label(write_ui, text=‘请选择插入SD卡根目录中的sn文件!‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 12)) button_choose = tk.Button(write_ui, text=" 请选择sn文件 ", font=(‘黑体‘, 12)) button_choose.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.choose_file) self.label_info = tk.Label(write_ui, width=40, height=25, text=‘‘, anchor=‘nw‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 10), justify=‘left‘) top_label.place(x=30, y=15) top_label2.place(x=30, y=45) self.label_info.place(x=30, y=105) button_choose.place(x=85, y=75) write_ui.attributes("-topmost", True) write_ui.mainloop() # 帮助文档窗口 def help(self, str): win = tk.Tk() win.title("help") screenwidth = win.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = win.winfo_screenheight() width = 350 height = 350 size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) win.geometry(size) win.maxsize(350, 350) top_label = tk.Label(win, text=‘使用说明‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 14), width=40, height=2) bottom_label_1 = tk.Label(win, text=‘用心做好车 天生为创客‘, font=(‘黑体‘, 10), width=40, height=1) text = tk.Text(win, width=35, height=9, font=(‘微软雅黑‘, 13)) button_help = tk.Button(win, text=" 还不明白点我 ") button_help.place(x=120, y=280) button_help.bind("<Button-1>", self.open_url) text.place(x=20, y=70) str_help = ‘树莓派解密步骤:\n 点击文件模式后,请直接选择插入内存卡中boot文件夹里的sn文件即可\n\nJetson Nano解密步骤:\n‘ ‘ 点击文件模式前,请把Jetson Nano中的xiaor文件夹里的sn文件拖入win桌面后再点击文件模式,选择sn文件后会生成一个author文件,拖回xiaor文件夹里覆盖即可‘ text.insert(tk.INSERT, str_help) top_label.place(x=-5, y=0) bottom_label_1.place(x=134, y=330) text.place(x=0, y=50) win.mainloop() def open_url(self, event): webbrowser.open("https://www.cnblogs.com/cxstudypython/p/12486645.html", new=0) # 文件选择函数 def choose_file(self, str): self.file_lists.append(‘您选择的文件是:‘) # 弹出弹窗让用户选择文件 path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(title=‘选择sn文件后自动烧录‘) try: # 第一种情况:选择的不是SN文件 if path[-2:] != ‘sn‘: self.file_lists.append(‘错误选择!‘) self.file_lists.append(path) self.label_info[‘text‘] = ‘\n‘.join(self.file_lists) self.choose_Error() # 第二种情况:SN为初始值 if path[-2:] == ‘sn‘: with open(path, ‘r‘) as files: str_num = files.read() if str_num == ‘2d27572e‘: self.not_Use() else: self.file_lists.append(path) self.label_info[‘text‘] = ‘\n‘.join(self.file_lists) way = path[:-3] + ‘/author‘ write_num = RosDecrypt.author(str_num) with open(way, ‘w‘) as f: f.write(write_num) self.file_lists.append(‘写入值为:‘ + write_num) self.file_lists.append(‘write successful!!!\n请拔出内存卡‘) self.label_info[‘text‘] = ‘\n‘.join(self.file_lists) except Warning: self.unknown_Error() # 错误信息窗口 def choose_Error(self): message = tkinter.Tk() # 调用withdraw(),让对象不可见 message.withdraw() mb.showinfo(‘Error‘, ‘请选择正确的文件!‘) # 未知错误 def unknown_Error(self): message = tkinter.Tk() # 调用withdraw(),让对象不可见 message.withdraw() mb.showinfo(‘Error‘, ‘未知错误!‘) # 内存卡错误信息窗口 def not_Use(self): message = tkinter.Tk() # 调用withdraw(),让对象不可见 message.withdraw() mb.showinfo(‘Error‘, ‘内存卡未使用!‘) # 未知错误 def numbe_Error(self): message = tkinter.Tk() # 调用withdraw(),让对象不可见 message.withdraw() mb.showinfo(‘Error‘, ‘输入的字符长度不为8!‘) # 加密算法 @staticmethod def author(xin): y = xin + 2 return y file_write = RosDecrypt()
标签:arp quit 消息 标题 raw 程序 span class query