标签:div 样式 半径 ddl 绘制 points reg offsetx and
地图交互interaction 关于map的方法:
//添加地图交互 map.addInteraction(interaction) //删除地图交互 map.removeInteraction(interaction)
//创建矢量图层并添加到地图容器中 var source = new ol.source.Vector({ wrapX: false }); var vector = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: source }); map.addLayer(vector)
//绘制交互功能 draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({ source: source,//矢量资源 type: flg.ArrowLine.type,//绘制类型 geometryFunction:flg.ArrowLine.geometryFunction,//更新几何坐标时调用的函数 }); map.addInteraction(draw);
//绘制类型 let flg = { Point:{ type:‘Point‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:undefined, }, LineString:{ type:‘LineString‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:undefined }, ArrowLine:{ type:‘LineString‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:undefined, style: function (feature) { let geometry = feature.getGeometry(); let styles = [ new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: ‘#ffcc33‘, width: 2 }) }) ]; geometry.forEachSegment(function (start, end) { let dx = end[0] - start[0]; let dy = end[1] - start[1]; let rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx); styles.push(new ol.style.Style({ geometry: new ol.geom.Point(end), image: new ol.style.Icon({ src: ‘lib/arrow.png‘, anchor: [0.75, 0.5], rotateWithView: true, rotation: -rotation }) })); }); return styles; } }, Polygon:{ type:‘Polygon‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:undefined }, Circle:{ type:‘Circle‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:undefined }, Square:{ type:‘Circle‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:ol.interaction.Draw.createRegularPolygon(4) }, Box:{ type:‘Circle‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:ol.interaction.Draw.createBox() }, Star:{ type:‘Circle‘, style:undefined, geometryFunction:function (coordinates, geometry){ //中心点 var center = coordinates[0]; //鼠标点击的另一个点 var last = coordinates[1]; var dx = center[0] - last[0]; var dy = center[1] - last[1]; //半径 var radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); //旋转的角度 var rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx); //用来记录顶点坐标的数组 var newCoordinates = []; //顶点个数 var numPoints = 10; for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { //顶点相对转过的角度 var angle = rotation + i * 2 * Math.PI / numPoints; //确定凸顶点和凹顶点 var fraction = i % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0.5; //计算顶点的坐标 var offsetX = radius * fraction * Math.cos(angle); var offsetY = radius * fraction * Math.sin(angle); newCoordinates.push([center[0] + offsetX, center[1] + offsetY]); } newCoordinates.push(newCoordinates[0].slice()); if (!geometry) { geometry = new ol.geom.Polygon([newCoordinates]); } else { geometry.setCoordinates([newCoordinates]); } return geometry; } } }
//捕捉交互功能 let snap = new ol.interaction.Snap({ source: source }); map.addInteraction(snap); //修改交互功能 let modify = new ol.interaction.Modify({ source: source,//矢量资源 insertVertexCondition: function (){return true},//是否应将新顶点添加到草图特征 }); map.addInteraction(modify);
//按住Shift并使用鼠标拖拽可以旋转、缩放地图 let dRZ = new ol.interaction.DragRotateAndZoom() map.addInteraction(dRZ);
//添加一个geojson let vectorGeojson = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: new ol.source.Vector({ url: ‘lib/lands.geojson‘, format: new ol.format.GeoJSON() }) }) map.addLayer(vectorGeojson) //交互类型 let enents={ click:ol.events.condition.click, singleclick:ol.events.condition.singleclick, pointerMove:ol.events.condition.pointerMove } //创建交互 let selects = new ol.interaction.Select({ condition: enents.click, layers:[vectorGeojson],//应当从中选择要素的图层列表,如未提供默认所有图层可选 style:new ol.style.Style({//选中的样式,未提供使用默认样式 //填充样式(面) fill: new ol.style.Fill({ color: ‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)‘ }), //描边样式(线) stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: ‘#ffcc33‘, width: 2 }) }) }) map.addInteraction(selects); //交互事件 selects.on(‘select‘,function(e){ console.log(e) })
//要素移动交互(需要用到选择交互selects)配合选择要素使用 let translate = new ol.interaction.Translate({ features: selects.getFeatures() }); map.addInteraction(translate);
标签:div 样式 半径 ddl 绘制 points reg offsetx and