标签:代码 并查集 tin 否则 cas ble main case number
We have a network of computers and a list of bi-directional connections. Each of these connections allows a file transfer from one computer to another. Is it possible to send a file from any computer on the network to any other?
Each input file contains one test case. For each test case, the first line contains N (2≤N≤10000), the total number of computers in a network. Each computer in the network is then represented by a positive integer between 1 and N. Then in the following lines, the input is given in the format:
I c1 c2
where I
stands for inputting a connection between c1
and c2
; or
C c1 c2
where C
stands for checking if it is possible to transfer files between c1
and c2
; or
where S
stands for stopping this case.
For each C
case, print in one line the word "yes" or "no" if it is possible or impossible to transfer files between c1
and c2
, respectively. At the end of each case, print in one line "The network is connected." if there is a path between any pair of computers; or "There are k
components." where k
is the number of connected components in this network.
C 3 2
I 3 2
C 1 5
I 4 5
I 2 4
C 3 5
There are 2 components.
C 3 2
I 3 2
C 1 5
I 4 5
I 2 4
C 3 5
I 1 3
C 1 5
The network is connected.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXSIZE 10000
typedef int SetName; //用根结点的值表示集合
typedef int SetType[MAXSIZE]; //用一个数组表示集合,下标是电脑标号减一,值是父结点的下标
void init(SetType set, int N);
SetName getSetName(SetType set, int v);
void merge(SetType set, SetName root1, SetName root2);
void checkConn(SetType set);
void connection(SetType set);
void checkSet(SetType set, int N);
int main() {
int N;
char op;
SetType set;
scanf("%d\n", &N);
init(set, N);
do {
scanf("%c", &op);
switch (op) {
case ‘C‘:
checkConn(set); break;
case ‘I‘:
connection(set); break;
case ‘S‘:
checkSet(set, N); break;
} while (op != ‘S‘);
return 0;
void init(SetType set, int N) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
set[i] = -1;
SetName getSetName(SetType set, int v) {
for ( ; set[v] >= 0; v = set[v]);
return v;
void merge(SetType set, SetName root1, SetName root2) {
if (set[root1] < set[root2]) { //集合1结点更多
set[root1] += set[root2];
set[root2] = root1;
} else {
set[root2] += set[root1];
set[root1] = root2;
void checkConn(SetType set) {
int a, b;
scanf("%d %d\n", &a, &b);
SetName root1, root2;
root1 = getSetName(set, a - 1);
root2 = getSetName(set, b - 1);
if (root1 == root2) printf("yes\n");
else printf("no\n");
void connection(SetType set) {
int a, b;
scanf("%d %d\n", &a, &b);
SetName root1, root2;
root1 = getSetName(set, a - 1);
root2 = getSetName(set, b - 1);
if (root1 != root2) merge(set, root1, root2);
void checkSet(SetType set, int N) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (set[i] < 0) count++;
if (count == 1) printf("The network is connected.\n");
else printf("There are %d components.\n", count);
标签:代码 并查集 tin 否则 cas ble main case number