标签:html rtti back cancel type res template text null
<div id=""> <div class="alertMask" ng-if="alert.isShowAlert" ng-click="clickMask()"></div> <div class="alertWhole" ng-if="alert.isShowAlert" ng-style="alert.width" id="alertDrag"> <div class="alertTitle"> <span ng-bind="alert.titleText" id="titleId"></span> <em ng-click="closeMask()" ng-show="alert.isShowTitle"></em> </div> <div class="alertContent"> <div ng-bind="alert.contentText"></div> <div ng-bind-html="alert.templateHTML"></div> <div id="contentScope"></div> </div> <div class="alertBottom" ng-show="alert.isShowBottom"> <input value="{{alert.cancelTxt}}" ng-click="closeMask()" ng-show="alert.isShowCancelButton" type="button" /> <input value="{{alert.confirmTxt}}" ng-click="alert.confirmCallback()" ng-show="alert.isShowConfirmButton" type="button" id="idConfirm" /> </div> </div> </div> (function () { angular.module(‘CY‘).directive(‘componentAlert‘, function () { return { restrict: ‘E‘, templateUrl: ‘module/alert.html‘, scope: {}, controller: function ($scope, serviceAlert) { $scope.alert = serviceAlert; $scope.clickMask = function () { if ($scope.alert.isHideAlertAsClickMask) { $scope.closeMask() } }; $scope.closeMask = function () { $(‘#alertDrag‘).css({ ‘top‘: ‘50%‘, ‘left‘: ‘50%‘, ‘transform‘: ‘translate(-50%, -50%)‘ }); $scope.alert.show(false); }; $scope.drag = function () { var oDiv = document.getElementById(‘alertDrag‘); oDiv.onmousedown = down; function processThis(fn, currentThis) { return function (event) { fn.call(currentThis, event); }; } function down(event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.target.id != ‘titleId‘) return; this.initOffsetLeft = this.offsetLeft; this.initOffsetTop = this.offsetTop; this.initClientX = event.clientX; this.initClientY = event.clientY; this.maxOffsetWidth = (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) - this.offsetWidth; this.maxOffsetHeight = (document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) - this.offsetHeight; if (this.setCapture) { this.setCapture(); this.onmousemove = processThis(move, this); this.onmouseup = processThis(up, this); } else { document.onmousemove = processThis(move, this); document.onmouseup = processThis(up, this); } } function move(event) { var currentLeft = this.initOffsetLeft + (event.clientX - this.initClientX); var currentTop = this.initOffsetTop + (event.clientY - this.initClientY); //以下都是边界值的判断; if (currentLeft > this.maxOffsetWidth + this.clientWidth * 1.25) { currentLeft = this.maxOffsetWidth + this.clientWidth * 1.25; } else if (currentLeft < -this.clientWidth / 4) { currentLeft = -this.clientWidth / 4; } if (currentTop > this.maxOffsetHeight + this.clientHeight * 1.25) { currentTop = this.maxOffsetHeight + this.clientHeight * 1.25; } else if (currentTop < -this.clientHeight / 4) { currentTop = -this.clientHeight / 4; } this.style.left = currentLeft + ‘px‘; this.style.top = currentTop + ‘px‘; } function up() { if (this.releaseCapture) { this.releaseCapture(); this.onmousemove = null; this.onmouseup = null; } else { document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; } } }; $scope.drag(); }, link: function () { } }; }).factory(‘serviceAlert‘, function ($sce, $compile, $rootScope, $document, $timeout) { return { isHideAlertAsClickMask: true, width: ‘300px‘, isShowTitle: true, titleText: ‘系统消息‘, isShowBottom: true, cancelTxt: ‘取消‘, confirmTxt: ‘确定‘, isShowCancelButton: true, isShowConfirmButton: true, getFocus: function () { var that = this; that.focusedElement = document.activeElement; $(that.focusedElement).blur(); angular.element(document).ready(function () { $timeout(function () { $(‘#idConfirm‘).focus(); }); }); }, set: function (obj) { var that = this; that.isShowAlert = true; that.contentText = ‘‘; that.contentHTML = obj.contentHTML; that.contentScope = obj.contentScope; that.contentCallback = obj.contentCallback; if (that.contentHTML) { if (that.contentScope) { that.newScope = $rootScope.$new(); angular.merge(that.newScope, that.contentScope); angular.element(document).ready(function () { angular.element(‘#contentScope‘).empty().append($compile(angular.element(that.contentHTML))(that.newScope)); }); } else { that.templateHTML = $sce.trustAsHtml(that.contentHTML); angular.element(document).ready(function () { angular.isFunction(that.contentCallback) ? that.contentCallback() : angular.noop(); }); } } that.confirmCallback = function () { angular.isFunction(obj.confirmCallback) ? obj.confirmCallback() : angular.noop(); that.show(false); }; that.cancelCallback = function () { angular.isFunction(obj.cancelCallback) ? obj.cancelCallback() : angular.noop(); that.show(false); }; angular.merge(that, obj); that.getFocus(); }, show: function (boolean) { var that = this; this.isShow = boolean || false; if (boolean === false) { $(that.focusedElement).focus(); } }, }; }); })();
标签:html rtti back cancel type res template text null