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ylbtech-ServiceStack.Caching.IRemoveByPattern.cs |
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#region 程序集 ServiceStack.Interfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=02c12cbda47e6587 // C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Solution4\packages\ServiceStack.Interfaces.5.8.0\lib\net45\ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll #endregion namespace ServiceStack.Caching { public interface IRemoveByPattern { // // 摘要: // Removes items from cache that have keys matching the specified wildcard pattern // // 参数: // pattern: // The wildcard, where "*" means any sequence of characters and "?" means any single // character. void RemoveByPattern(string pattern); // // 摘要: // Removes items from the cache based on the specified regular expression pattern // // 参数: // regex: // Regular expression pattern to search cache keys void RemoveByRegex(string regex); } }
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标签:blog enc 版权 user code class move 保留 single