标签:require 移动 命令 禁用 path admin 端口 光纤交换机 res
1、fosconfig --show查看VF模式是否启用
DCXa:FID128:admin> fosconfig --show
FC Routing service: enabled
iSCSI service: Service not supported on this Platform
iSNS client service: Service not supported on this Platform
Virtual Fabric: enabled
Ethernet Switch Service: disabled
2、将所有端口移动到默认的logic switch,默认logic switchFID为128
DCXa:FID128:admin> lscfg --config 128 -slot 1-4 -port 0-31 //将slot1-4,每个slot上0-31端口移到FID为128的logic switch
This operation requires that the affected ports be disabled.
Would you like to continue [y/n]?: y
lscfg: A port or ports is already in the current switch.
3、删除非默认logic switch,删除前需要通过命令lscfg --show 可以查看FID
4、使用命令lscfg --delete FID删除logic switch(注意:默认logic switch无法删除)
DCXa:FID128:admin> lscfg --delete 128(此处128替换为lscfg)
Unable to delete the default switch.
5、使用命令fosconfig --disable vf禁用Virtual Fabric
DCXa:FID128:admin> fosconfig --disable vf
WARNING: This is a disruptive operation that requires a reboot to take effect.
Would you like to continue [Y/N]: y
Please delete all but the default switch before disabling Virtual Fabric.
6、再次查看Virtual Fabric
DCXa:FID128:admin> fosconfig --show
FC Routing service: enabled
iSCSI service: Service not supported on this Platform
iSNS client service: Service not supported on this Platform
Virtual Fabric: disabled
Ethernet Switch Servic
标签:require 移动 命令 禁用 path admin 端口 光纤交换机 res