标签:effect red state 解决 obs chapter pre 开发 persist
(1)What is special about the class of variables that VSIDS chooses to additively bump? 译文:vsid选择的这类变量有什么特别之处?
In the VSIDS vs. TGC experiments (Sect. 4), we used the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to show that the VSIDS and TGC rankings are strongly correlated.
From our experiments, we can say that for all the VSIDS variants considered in this paper, additive bumping matches with the increase in centrality of the chosen variables.
We also observe from our results that the variables that solvers pick for branching have very high TGC rank. The concept of centrality allows us to define in a mathematically precise the intuition many solver developers have had, i.e., that branching on “highly constrained variables” is an effective strategy.
Our bridge variable experiment combined with the TGC experiment suggests that VSIDS focuses on high-centrality bridge variables.
Marques-Silva and Sakallah are credited with inventing the CDCL technique [34]. The original VSIDS heuristic was invented by the authors of Chaff [36].
Armin Biere [8] described the low-pass filter behavior of VSIDS, and Huang et al. [26] stated that VSIDS is essentially an EMA.
译文:Armin Biere[8]描述了VSIDS的低通滤波行为,Huang等人[26]认为VSIDS本质上是EMA(指数移动平均)
Katsirelos and Simon [30] were the first to publish a connection between eigenvector centrality and branching heuristics. In their paper [30], the authors computed eigenvector centrality (via Google PageRank) only once on the original input clauses and showed that most of the decision variables have higher than average centrality.
Also, it bears stressing that their definition of centrality is not temporal. By contrast, our results correlate VSIDS ranking with temporal degree and eigenvector centrality, and show the correlation holds dynamically throughout the run of the solver.
Also, we noticed that the correlation is also significantly stronger after extending centrality with temporality. Simon and Katsirelos do hypothesize that VSIDS may be picking bridge variables (they call them fringe variables). However, they do not provide experimental evidence for this.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to establish the following results regarding VSIDS: first, VSIDS picks, bumps, and learns high-centrality bridge variables; second, VSIDS-influenced search is more spatially and temporally focused than other branching heuristics we considered; third, explain the importance of EMA (multiplicative decay) to the effectiveness of VSIDS; and fourth, invent a new adaptive VSIDS branching heuristic based on our observations.
标签:effect red state 解决 obs chapter pre 开发 persist