标签:测试表 union exec with exe 简单 sum into get
--行转列小实例 --创建测试表 if object_id(N‘test‘, N‘U‘) is not null drop table test go with PivotTable as ( select ‘xxx‘ as czy, ‘点赞‘ as czlx, 2 as num union all select ‘xxx‘, ‘浏览‘ as czlx, 14 as num union all select ‘yyy‘, ‘浏览‘ as czlx, 10 as num union all select ‘zzz‘, ‘浏览‘, 30 union all select ‘zzz‘, ‘点赞‘, 3 ) select * into test from PivotTable go --创建存储过程 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name = ‘usp_GetPivotInfo‘) drop proc usp_GetPivotInfo go create proc usp_GetPivotInfo as declare @czlx varchar(500), @SQL varchar(2000) select @czlx = stuff((select distinct ‘,[‘ + czlx + ‘]‘ from test for xml path (‘‘)),1,1,‘‘) --select @czlx set @SQL = ‘select czy, {#} from test pivot(sum(num) for czlx in ({#})) as T‘; set @SQL = replace(@SQL, ‘{#}‘, @czlx); exec(@SQL); go exec usp_GetPivotInfo ;
标签:测试表 union exec with exe 简单 sum into get