标签:string and cpu extra summary size openurl nal MIP
搞这个sdk居然花了3天时间. 无语.....
1, 一定要接入厂商通道,
2, 一定要实现MainApplication
3, 一定要在MainApplication这样初始化,
public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); initCloudChannel(this); MiPushRegister.register(this, "x x x x xxxxx", "5721838183847"); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); // 通知渠道的id String id = "2"; String name = "比赛"; String description = "开赛提醒"; int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH; NotificationChannel mChannel = new NotificationChannel(id, name, importance); // 配置通知渠道的属性 mChannel.setDescription(description); // 设置通知出现时的闪灯(如果 android 设备支持的话) mChannel.enableLights(true); mChannel.setLightColor(Color.RED); // 设置通知出现时的震动(如果 android 设备支持的话) mChannel.enableVibration(true); mChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 400}); //最后在notificationmanager中创建该通知渠道 mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannel(mChannel); } }
4, 一定要实现: PopupPushActivity, MyMessageReceiver
package com.bjcardsports.halo.aliyun; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import com.alibaba.sdk.android.push.AndroidPopupActivity; import java.util.Map; public class PopupPushActivity extends AndroidPopupActivity { static final String TAG = "PopupPushActivity"; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Override protected void onSysNoticeOpened(String title, String summary, Map<String, String> extMap) { Log.d("OnMiPushSysNoticeOpened", "title: " + title + ", content: " + summary + ", extMap: " + extMap); } }
package com.bjcardsports.halo.aliyun; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.alibaba.sdk.android.push.MessageReceiver; import com.alibaba.sdk.android.push.notification.CPushMessage; import java.util.Map; public class MyMessageReceiver extends MessageReceiver { // 消息接收部分的LOG_TAG public static final String REC_TAG = "receiver"; @Override public void onNotification(Context context, String title, String summary, Map<String, String> extraMap) { // TODO 处理推送通知 Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "Receive notification, title: " + title + ", summary: " + summary + ", extraMap: " + extraMap); } @Override public void onMessage(Context context, CPushMessage cPushMessage) { Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "onMessage, messageId: " + cPushMessage.getMessageId() + ", title: " + cPushMessage.getTitle() + ", content:" + cPushMessage.getContent()); } @Override public void onNotificationOpened(Context context, String title, String summary, String extraMap) { Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "onNotificationOpened, title: " + title + ", summary: " + summary + ", extraMap:" + extraMap); } @Override protected void onNotificationClickedWithNoAction(Context context, String title, String summary, String extraMap) { Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "onNotificationClickedWithNoAction, title: " + title + ", summary: " + summary + ", extraMap:" + extraMap); } @Override protected void onNotificationReceivedInApp(Context context, String title, String summary, Map<String, String> extraMap, int openType, String openActivity, String openUrl) { Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "onNotificationReceivedInApp, title: " + title + ", summary: " + summary + ", extraMap:" + extraMap + ", openType:" + openType + ", openActivity:" + openActivity + ", openUrl:" + openUrl); } @Override protected void onNotificationRemoved(Context context, String messageId) { Log.e("MyMessageReceiver", "onNotificationRemoved"); } }
5, 后台一定要添加通道:
6, 用网页测试推送时,一定要全部写
标签:string and cpu extra summary size openurl nal MIP