标签:col partition cas auth count where bsp str info
合格订单的逻辑, 关于合格单的算法。
--odps sql --********************************************************************-- --author:jz_admin --create time:2019-06-10 14:45:16 --********************************************************************-- use jz_daojia; select t.month ,t.category_text ,sum(t.order_num) ,sum(t.GMV) ,sum(t.yingshou) ,sum(t.audit_order_num) ,sum(t.audit_gmv) ,sum(t.audit_yingshou) ,sum(t.hege_order_num) ,sum(t.hege_gmv) ,sum(t.hege_yingshou) from (select to_char(to_date(a.order_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm‘) as month ,a.category_text as category_text ,count(distinct a.id) as order_num ,sum(b.sign_payable_amount) as GMV ,sum(case when substr(cast(a.order_date as string),1,7)<=‘2019-06‘ and a.category_text=‘月嫂‘ then b.sign_payable_amount*0.3 when a.category_text=‘育儿嫂‘ then b.sign_payable_amount*0.2 else b.origin_customer_info_fee end) as yingshou ,0 as audit_order_num ,0 as audit_gmv ,0 as audit_yingshou ,0 as hege_order_num ,0 as hege_gmv ,0 as hege_yingshou from (select * from jz_daojia.f_jz_order_main where to_char(to_date(order_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=‘2019-01-01‘ and (category_id=270 or (category_id=205 and city_name!=‘北京‘))) a left join jz_daojia.f_ys_order_amount b on a.id=b.id group by to_char(to_date(a.order_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm‘) ,a.category_text union all select to_char(to_date(a.sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm‘) as month ,a.category_text as category_text ,0 as order_num ,0 as GMV ,0 as yingshou ,count(distinct a.id) as audit_order_num ,sum(b.audit_pass_amount) as audit_gmv ,sum(case when substr(cast(a.sign_pass_time as string),1,7)<=‘2019-06‘ and a.category_text=‘月嫂‘ then b.audit_pass_amount*0.3 when a.category_text=‘育儿嫂‘ then b.audit_pass_amount*0.2 else b.audit_pass_revenue end) as audit_yingshou ,0 as hege_order_num ,0 as hege_gmv ,0 as hege_yingshou from (select * from jz_daojia.f_jz_order_main where to_char(to_date(sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=‘2019-01-01‘ and (category_id=270 or (category_id=205 and city_name!=‘北京‘))) a left join jz_daojia.f_ys_order_amount b on a.id=b.id group by to_char(to_date(a.sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm‘) ,a.category_text union all select substr(cast(a.time as string),1,7) as month ,a.category_text as category_text ,0 as order_num ,0 as GMV ,0 as yingshou ,0 as audit_order_num ,0 as audit_gmv ,0 as audit_yingshou ,count(distinct a.id) as hege_order_num ,sum(b.audit_pass_amount) as hege_gmv ,sum(case when substr(cast(a.time as string),1,7)<=‘2019-06‘ and a.category_text=‘月嫂‘ then b.audit_pass_amount*0.3 when a.category_text=‘育儿嫂‘ then b.audit_pass_amount*0.2 else b.audit_pass_revenue end) as hege_yingshou from (select a.id,if(to_char(to_date(a.sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=b.create_date,to_char(to_date(a.sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘),b.create_date) as time,a.category_text from (SELECT id,sign_pass_time,category_text from jz_daojia.f_jz_order_main where (category_id=270 or (category_id=205 and city_name!=‘北京‘))) a inner join (select a.id, b.create_date, row_number() over(partition by a.id order by b.create_date) as asc_number , full_amount, sum_amount from ( select o.id, (g.audit_pass_amount + coalesce(c.increased_amount,0) - coalesce(c.discount_amount,0)) as full_amount from ( select a.id, b.appointment_cycle from ( select * from o_jz_order_t_order where dt = ‘${bdp.system.bizdate}‘ and category_id in (205,270) ) a left join ( select *,row_number() over(partition by order_id order by create_time) as asc_number from o_jz_order_t_order_item where dt = ‘${bdp.system.bizdate}‘ and item_no = 1 ) b on a.id = b.order_id and b.asc_number = 1 ) o left join jz_daojia.f_ys_order_amount g on o.id = g.id left join ( -- 加收优惠 SELECT order_id, sum(if(promote_amount > 0, promote_amount, 0)) as increased_amount, -- 加收金额 sum(if(promote_amount < 0, abs(promote_amount), 0)) as discount_amount, -- 优惠金额 sum(promote_amount) as promote_amount_sum -- 营销金额 from o_jz_order_t_order_promote where dt = ‘${bdp.system.bizdate}‘ and delete_flag = 0 group by order_id ) c on o.id = c.order_id ) a left join ( SELECT a.create_date, a.order_id, sum(CASE WHEN b.create_date <= a.create_date THEN b.amount ELSE 0 END) AS sum_amount FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT order_id, date_format(create_time, ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘) AS create_date FROM o_jz_order_t_payment_item WHERE dt = ‘${bdp.system.bizdate}‘ AND STATUS = 2 AND delete_flag = 0 ) a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT order_id, date_format(create_time, ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘) AS create_date, sum(amount) AS amount FROM o_jz_order_t_payment_item WHERE dt = ‘${bdp.system.bizdate}‘ AND STATUS = 2 AND delete_flag = 0 GROUP BY order_id, date_format(create_time, ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘) ) b ON a.order_id = b.order_id GROUP BY a.create_date, a.order_id ) b on a.id = b.order_id where round(a.full_amount, 0) <= round(b.sum_amount, 0)) b on a.id=b.id where to_char(to_date(a.sign_pass_time,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘), ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=‘2010-01-01‘ and b.create_date>=‘2010-01-01‘ and b.asc_number=1) a left join jz_daojia.f_ys_order_amount b on a.id=b.id where substr(cast(a.time as string),1,7)>=‘2019-01‘ group by substr(cast(a.time as string),1,7) ,a.category_text) t group by t.month ,t.category_text;
标签:col partition cas auth count where bsp str info