标签:def name || you cout pre ESS because fir
In a sequence of numbers,we can find some number pairs that conform to the rule below:
Assuming that there exist two numbers,N and M and it‘s position in the sequence is n and m.
If the value of N is greater than M and n is less than m,we define the pair as "Reverse order pair".
So,try to find out all pairs in a sequence quickly.
5 2 1 3 4
Of cause we can enumerate all the sequence.
But there is a better solution using the trait of merge sort.
Complete code is given below:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int t[1000],a[1000]; int ans=0; void mmerge(int ll, int rr) { if(ll==rr) return; else{ int mid=(ll+rr)/2; mmerge(ll,mid); mmerge(mid+1,rr); int s=ll,q=ll,p=mid+1; while(s<=rr){ if(q>mid||(p<=rr&&a[p]<a[q])){ for(int m=q;m<=mid;m++) cout<<"{"<<a[m]<<","<<a[p]<<"}"<<endl; t[s++]=a[p++];
//if the a[p] is less than a[q] it means that a[q]...a[mid] all greater than a[p]. } else t[s++]=a[q++]; } for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++) a[i]=t[i]; } } int main(){ int N; cin>>N; for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ cin>>a[i]; } mmerge(0,N-1); cout<<endl<<ans; return 0; }
Why does it work?
Because finding the pairs don‘t need the position of numbers.You don‘t have to maintain the position.
For example:
"52134" the reverse order pair of 1 are {5,1},{2,1},you can just make the judgment by the value of the number.Position is not cared.
So we can separate the sequence into groups.At first we count in small groups,then the larger groups.
In oder to compare the numbers,we sort the group in every layer.
标签:def name || you cout pre ESS because fir