标签:速度 建议 使用 nbsp strcpy 复制 some 统计 idt
[1] uthash | 学步园
[2] 源码
[3] 官方文档
#include <uthash.h>
#include "uthash.h" #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ typedef struct example_user_t { int id; int cookie; UT_hash_handle hh; } example_user_t; int main() { int i; example_user_t *user, *users=NULL; /* create elements */ for(i=0; i<10; i++) { user = (example_user_t*)malloc(sizeof(example_user_t)); if (user == NULL) { exit(-1); } user->id = i; user->cookie = i*i; HASH_ADD_INT(users,id,user); } for(user=users; user != NULL; user=(example_user_t*)(user->hh.next)) { printf("user %d, cookie %d\n", user->id, user->cookie); } return 0; }
typedef struct myhash{ int id; //key char name[10]; //value UT_hash_handle hh; //使此结构可哈希 };
struct myhash *users = NULL; //初始化为空
void hashTabel_add(HashHead *head, HashNode *users) { // id是key的属性名字,虽然很奇怪,实际作为宏参数会被替换掉 // 可以看下面源码,intfield会替换换成&((add)->fieldname) if(!find_user(*head, users->id)) HASH_ADD_INT(*head, id, users); }
HashNode *find_user(HashHead head, int user_id) { HashNode *s; HASH_FIND_INT(head, &user_id, s); /* s: output pointer */ return s; }
void replace_user(HashHead *head, HashNode *newNode) { HashNode *oldNode = find_user(*head, newNode->id); if (oldNode) HASH_REPLACE_INT(*head, id, newNode, oldNode); }
void delete_user(HashHead *head,HashNode *user) { if (user) { HASH_DEL(*head, user); /* user: pointer to deletee */ free(user); /* optional; it‘s up to you! */ } }
int count_user(HashHead head) { return HASH_COUNT(head); }
void print_user(HashHead head) { HashNode *s; printf("size is %d\n", count_user(head)); for (s = head; s != NULL; s = s->hh.next) { printf("user id %d, name %s\n", s->id, s->name); } } void print_user_iterator(HashHead head) { HashNode *s, *tmp; printf("size is %d\n", count_user(head)); HASH_ITER(hh, head, s, tmp) { printf("user id %d: name %s\n", s->id, s->name); /* ... it is safe to delete and free s here */ } }
void print_users() { struct my_struct *s; for(s=users; s != NULL; s=s->hh.next) { printf("user id %d: name %s/n", s->id, s->name } }
int name_sort(HashNode *a, HashNode *b) { return strcmp(a->name,b->name); } int id_sort(HashNode *a, HashNode *b) { return (a->id - b->id); } void sort_by_name(HashHead *head) { HASH_SORT(*head, name_sort); } void sort_by_id(HashHead *head) { HASH_SORT(*head, id_sort); }
typedef struct /* this structure will be our key */ { char a; int b; } record_key_t;
由于系统会自动进行字节对齐,也就是在a后面加入3个点位的字节。所以,在将类型为record_key_t 的数据加入到hash表前,一定要保证该数据的无关字节的值为0,否则将可能造成存入的键值无法被查找到的情况。
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "uthash.h" typedef struct /* this structure will be our key */ { char a; int b; } record_key_t; typedef struct /* the hash is comprised of these */ { record_key_t key; /* ... other data ... */ UT_hash_handle hh; } record_t; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { record_t l, *p, *r, *records = NULL; r = (record_t*)malloc( sizeof(record_t) ); memset(r, 0, sizeof(record_t)); /* zero fill! */ r->key.a = ‘a‘; r->key.b = 1; HASH_ADD(hh, records, key, sizeof(record_key_t), r); memset(&l, 0, sizeof(record_t)); /* zero fill! */ l.key.a = ‘a‘; l.key.b = 1; HASH_FIND(hh, records, &l.key, sizeof(record_key_t), p); if (p) printf("found %c %d/n", p->key.a, p->key.b); return 0; }
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stddef.h> /* offsetof */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include <string.h> /* memset */ #include "uthash.h" #define UTF32 1 typedef struct { UT_hash_handle hh; int len; char encoding; /* these two fields */ int text[]; /* comprise the key */ } msg_t; typedef struct { char encoding; int text[]; } lookup_key_t; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned keylen; msg_t *msg, *msgs = NULL; lookup_key_t *lookup_key; int beijing[] = {0x5317, 0x4eac}; /* UTF-32LE for 鍖椾含 */ /* allocate and initialize our structure */ msg = (msg_t*)malloc( sizeof(msg_t) + sizeof(beijing) ); memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg_t)+sizeof(beijing)); /* zero fill */ msg->len = sizeof(beijing); msg->encoding = UTF32; memcpy(msg->text, beijing, sizeof(beijing)); /* calculate the key length including padding, using formula */ keylen = offsetof(msg_t, text) /* offset of last key field */ + sizeof(beijing) /* size of last key field */ - offsetof(msg_t, encoding); /* offset of first key field */ /* add our structure to the hash table */ HASH_ADD( hh, msgs, encoding, keylen, msg); /* look it up to prove that it worked :-) */ msg=NULL; lookup_key = (lookup_key_t*)malloc(sizeof(*lookup_key) + sizeof(beijing)); memset(lookup_key, 0, sizeof(*lookup_key) + sizeof(beijing)); lookup_key->encoding = UTF32; memcpy(lookup_key->text, beijing, sizeof(beijing)); HASH_FIND( hh, msgs, &lookup_key->encoding, keylen, msg ); if (msg) printf("found /n"); free(lookup_key); return 0; }
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stddef.h> /* offsetof */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include <string.h> /* memset */ #include "uthash.h" struct my_struct { int id; /* usual key */ char username[10]; /* alternative key */ UT_hash_handle hh1; /* handle for first hash table */ UT_hash_handle hh2; /* handle for second hash table */ }; int main() { struct my_struct *users_by_id = NULL, *users_by_name = NULL, *s; int i; char *name; s = malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); s->id = 1; strcpy(s->username, "thanson"); /* add the structure to both hash tables */ HASH_ADD(hh1, users_by_id, id, sizeof(int), s); HASH_ADD(hh2, users_by_name, username, strlen(s->username), s); /* lookup user by ID in the "users_by_id" hash table */ i=1; HASH_FIND(hh1, users_by_id, &i, sizeof(int), s); if (s) printf("found id %d: %s/n", i, s->username); /* lookup user by username in the "users_by_name" hash table */ name = "thanson"; HASH_FIND(hh2, users_by_name, name, strlen(name), s); if (s) printf("found user %s: %d/n", name, s->id); return 0; }
#include "uthash.h" #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ typedef struct { int id; UT_hash_handle hh; UT_hash_handle ah; } example_user_t; #define EVENS(x) (((x)->id & 1) == 0) int evens(void *userv) { example_user_t *user = (example_user_t*)userv; return ((user->id & 1) ? 0 : 1); } int idcmp(void *_a, void *_b) { example_user_t *a = (example_user_t*)_a; example_user_t *b = (example_user_t*)_b; return (a->id - b->id); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; example_user_t *user, *users=NULL, *ausers=NULL; /* create elements */ for(i=0; i<10; i++) { user = (example_user_t*)malloc(sizeof(example_user_t)); user->id = i; HASH_ADD_INT(users,id,user); } for(user=users; user; user=(example_user_t*)(user->hh.next)) { printf("user %d/n", user->id); } /* now select some users into ausers */ HASH_SELECT(ah,ausers,hh,users,evens); HASH_SRT(ah,ausers,idcmp); for(user=ausers; user; user=(example_user_t*)(user->ah.next)) { printf("auser %d/n", user->id); } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "uthash.h" typedef struct my_struct { int id; /* we‘ll use this field as the key */ char name[10]; UT_hash_handle hh; /* makes this structure hashable */ } HashNode; typedef HashNode* HashHead; int count_user(HashHead head); HashNode *find_user(HashHead head, int user_id) { HashNode *s; HASH_FIND_INT(head, &user_id, s); /* s: output pointer */ return s; } void add_user(HashHead *head, HashNode *users) { if(!find_user(*head, users->id)) HASH_ADD_INT(*head, id, users); } void replace_user(HashHead *head, HashNode *newNode) { HashNode *oldNode = find_user(*head, newNode->id); if (oldNode) HASH_REPLACE_INT(*head, id, newNode, oldNode); } void delete_user(HashHead *head,HashNode *user) { if (user) { HASH_DEL(*head, user); /* user: pointer to deletee */ free(user); /* optional; it‘s up to you! */ } } void print_user(HashHead head) { HashNode *s; printf("size is %d\n", count_user(head)); for (s = head; s != NULL; s = s->hh.next) { printf("user id %d, name %s\n", s->id, s->name); } } void print_user_iterator(HashHead head) { HashNode *s, *tmp; printf("size is %d\n", count_user(head)); HASH_ITER(hh, head, s, tmp) { printf("user id %d: name %s\n", s->id, s->name); /* ... it is safe to delete and free s here */ } } int count_user(HashHead head) { return HASH_COUNT(head); } int name_sort(HashNode *a, HashNode *b) { return strcmp(a->name,b->name); } int id_sort(HashNode *a, HashNode *b) { return (a->id - b->id); } void sort_by_name(HashHead *head) { HASH_SORT(*head, name_sort); } void sort_by_id(HashHead *head) { HASH_SORT(*head, id_sort); } int main() { printf("--------------init---------------\n"); HashHead head = NULL; printf("--------------add---------------\n"); HashNode *node = malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); node->id = 1; strcpy(node->name, "tom"); add_user(&head, node); node = malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); node->id = 2; strcpy(node->name, "jerry"); add_user(&head, node); node = malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); node->id = 3; strcpy(node->name, "jack"); add_user(&head, node); node = malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); node->id = 0; strcpy(node->name, "zero"); add_user(&head, node); print_user(head); printf("--------------replace---------------\n"); HashNode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); newNode->id = 3; strcpy(newNode->name, "rose"); replace_user(&head, newNode); print_user(head); printf("--------------delete---------------\n"); delete_user(&head, find_user(head, 1)); print_user(head); printf("--------------sort-by-id---------------\n"); sort_by_id(&head); print_user(head); printf("--------------sort-by-name---------------\n"); sort_by_name(&head); print_user(head); return 0; }
标签:速度 建议 使用 nbsp strcpy 复制 some 统计 idt