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I got this warning when I tried to get destination using CLGeoCoder and the warning is coming out from this method
when will this issue come out?I will tell you the my experience:
In my app,when I set the CLGeocoder as a @property,or set like this,
when I set app in the background for a moment or a long time, Xcode will log this warning ,and the method will be not available: im getting this issue when am only getting the position on the map.
so I try to quit to set CLGeocoder as a @property,nor set like this,
ever time when I use it ,I will init CLGeocoder,like this:
? ? CLGeocoder*gc=[[[CLGeocoderalloc]init]autorelease];
? ? [gcreverseGeocodeLocation:locationObjectcompletionHandler:^(NSArray*placemark,NSError*error){
? ? CLPlacemark*pm=[placemarkobjectAtIndex:0];
? ? NSDictionary*address=pm.addressDictionary;
? ? // do something with the address, see keys in the remark below
? ? }];
CLGeocoder "Lost connection to geod" #error# when use geocodeAddressString:completionHandler
标签:des style io color ar os sp for strong