标签:override color and ext for alc src ice 转型
//类名 对象名 = new 类名(); Dog d = new Dog(); Penguin p = new Penguin();
语法:1、父类名 父类引用 =new 子类名();
<父类型> <引用变量名>=new <子类型>();
//语法 Pet dog=new Dog();
<子类型> <引用变量名>=(<子类型>) <父类的引用变量>;
//语法 Dog dog=(Dog)pet
//汽车类 public abstract class MotoVehicle { //车牌号 品牌 日租金 private String no; private String brand; private int perRent; //构造方法:车牌号 品牌 日租金 public MotoVehicle(String no, String brand, int perRent) { this.no = no; this.brand = brand; this.perRent = perRent; } //set/get方法 public String getNo() { return no; } public void setNo(String no) { this.no = no; } public String getBrand() { return brand; } public void setBrand(String brand) { this.brand = brand; } public int getPerRent() { return perRent; } public void setPerRent(int perRent) { this.perRent = perRent; } //抽象方法:计算租金 public abstract float calcRent(int days); }
//轿车类 public class Car extends MotoVehicle{ private String type; //构造方法:车牌号 品牌 日租金 类型 public Car(String no, String brand, int perRent,String type) { super(no,brand,perRent); this.type=type; } //set/get方法 public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } @Override public float calcRent(int days) { float price=this.getPerRent()*days; if(days>7&&days<=30){ //大于7天小于30天9折 price*=0.9f; }else if(days>30&&days<=150){ price*=0.8f; }else if(days>150){ price*=0.7f; } return price; } }
public class bus extends MotoVehicle { //私有属性座位 private int seatCount; //构造方法:车牌号 品牌 日租金 座位 public bus(String no, String brand, int perRent,int seatCount){ super(no,brand,perRent); this.seatCount=seatCount; } //set/get方法 public int getSeatCount() { return seatCount; } public void setSeatCount(int seatCount) { this.seatCount = seatCount; } @Override public float calcRent(int days) { float price=this.getPerRent()*days; if(days>3&&days<=7){ price*=0.9f; }else if(days>=7&&days<30){ price*=0.8f; }else if(days>=30&&days<=150){ price*=0.7f; }else if(days>=150){ price*=0.6f; } return price; } }
public class VehicleOperation { //汽车业务类 MotoVehicle []motoVehicle=new MotoVehicle[5]; //汽车数组 //初始化几个汽车信息 public void show(){ motoVehicle[0]=new Car("苏A6666","宝马",800,"520i"); motoVehicle[1]=new Car("苏A1111","宝马",500,"x6"); motoVehicle[2]=new Car("苏A2222","别克",600,"林荫大道"); motoVehicle[3]=new Car("苏A8888","宝马",710,"GL8"); motoVehicle[4]=new bus("苏A9999","金龙",800,24); } //父类类型作为返回值 //租车 //参数 品牌 座位数 型号 public MotoVehicle rentMontoVehicle(String brand,int seatCount,String type){ MotoVehicle v= null; //循环是小汽车还是大巴车 for(MotoVehicle motovehicle:motoVehicle){ if( motovehicle instanceof Car){ Car car=(Car) motovehicle; //向下转型 //轿车品牌和型号与用户想要的品牌信号吻合 if(car.getBrand().equals(brand)&&car.getType().equals(type)){ v=car; break; } }else{ bus b=(bus)motovehicle; if(b.getBrand().equals(brand)&&b.getSeatCount()==seatCount){ v=b; break; } } } return v; } }
//汽车租赁系统测试类 public class TestRent { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("*********欢迎来到汽车租赁公司!**********"); System.out.print("请选择亲您需要租赁的车型:1、轿车 2、客车"); int vehicleType=input.nextInt(); //获取用户租赁汽车的三个条件;:品牌 座位数 型号 String brand=""; int seatCount=0; String type=""; switch( vehicleType){ case 1: System.out.print("请选择您要租赁的汽车品牌: 1、别克 2、宝马"); int choose =input.nextInt(); if(choose==1){ brand="别克"; System.out.print("请选择您需要租赁的类型:1、林荫大道 2、GL8"); type=(input.nextInt()==1)?"林荫大道":"GL8"; }else{ brand="宝马"; System.out.print("请选择您需要租赁的类型:1、x6 2、520i"); type=(input.nextInt()==1)?"x6":"520i"; } break; case 2: System.out.println("请选择您要租赁的汽车品牌:1、金杯 2、金龙"); brand =(input.nextInt()==1)?"金杯":"金龙"; System.out.println("请选择需要租赁的座位数:"); seatCount=(input.nextInt()==1)?16:34; break; } VehicleOperation vehicleOper=new VehicleOperation(); vehicleOper.show(); MotoVehicle m=vehicleOper.rentMontoVehicle(brand, seatCount, type); System.out.println("请输入您需要租赁的天数:"); int days=input.nextInt(); float price=m.calcRent(days); System.out.println("您的汽车车牌号为:"+m.getNo()); System.out.println("您需要支付租赁费用:"+price+"元"); } }
标签:override color and ext for alc src ice 转型