标签:blog io ar os sp for div on log
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <map> using namespace std; #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define eps 1e-8 #define ll long long #define maxm 51000 #define STATE 510000 #define HASH 10007 #define maxd 15 int n,m; char maze[maxd][maxd]; int code[maxd]; struct HASHMAP{ int head[HASH],nxt[STATE],sz; int state[STATE],f[STATE]; void clear(){sz=0;memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));} void push(int st,int ans){ int h = st%HASH; for(int i=head[h];i!=-1;i=nxt[i]){ if(st==state[i]){ f[i] = min(f[i], ans); return ; } } state[sz]=st, f[sz]=ans, nxt[sz]=head[h]; head[h]=sz++; } }hm[2][2]; void decode(int st){ for(int i=0;i<=m;++i) code[i] = st&3, st>>=2; } int encode(){ int ret=0; for(int i=m;i>=0;--i) ret = ret<<2|code[i]; return ret; } bool jud(int i,int j,int in){ if(maze[i][j]==‘o‘) return in; if(maze[i][j]==‘x‘) return !in; return true; } int edx,edy; int ans; void dp(int i,int j,int cur,int in){ int xo = (1<<(j*2)); int ox = (2<<(j*2)); int oo = xo|ox; int mv = (j==m?2:0); for(int k=0;k<hm[cur][in].sz;++k){ decode(hm[cur][in].state[k]); int left = code[j-1]; int up = code[j]; if(left && up){ if(left==2 && up==1){ if(i>=edx+1 && j>=edy+1){ int to = hm[cur][in].state[k] ^ (ox>>2) ^ (xo); if(to==0) ans = min(ans, hm[cur][in].f[k]+1); } continue; } if(left==1 && up==1){ for(int jj=j-1,c=0;jj>=0;--jj){ if(code[jj]==1)++c; if(code[jj]==2)--c; if(c==0){code[jj]^=3;break;} } code[j-1]=code[j]=0; } if(left==2 && up==2){ for(int jj=j,c=0;jj<=m;++jj){ if(code[jj]==2)++c; if(code[jj]==1)--c; if(c==0){code[jj]^=3;break;} } code[j-1]=code[j]=0; } if(left==1 && up==2){ code[j-1]=code[j]=0; } if(jud(i-1,j,in^1)) hm[cur^1][in^1].push(encode()<<mv, hm[cur][in].f[k]+1); }else if(left || up){ int in2 = in; if(up) in2^=1; int tmp = left | up; code[j-1]=tmp, code[j]=0; if(i+1<=n) if(jud(i-1,j,in2) && jud(i,j-1,!in2) && jud(i,j,in2)) hm[cur^1][in2].push(encode()<<mv, hm[cur][in].f[k]+1); code[j-1]=0, code[j]=tmp; if(j+1<=m) if(jud(i-1,j,in2) && jud(i,j-1,!in2) && jud(i,j,!in2)) hm[cur^1][in2].push(encode()<<mv, hm[cur][in].f[k]+1); }else { if(jud(i-1,j,in) && jud(i,j-1,in) && jud(i,j,in)) hm[cur^1][in].push(hm[cur][in].state[k]<<mv, hm[cur][in].f[k]); code[j-1]=2, code[j]=1; if(i+1<=n && j+1<=m) if(jud(i-1,j,in) && jud(i,j-1,in) && jud(i,j,!in)) hm[cur^1][in].push(encode()<<mv, hm[cur][in].f[k]+1); } } } int solve(){ int cur=0; hm[0][0].clear(); hm[0][1].clear(); hm[0][0].push(0,0); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) for(int j=1;j<=m;++j) if(maze[i][j]==‘o‘) edx=i,edy=j; ans=inf; for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ for(int j=1;j<=m;++j){ hm[cur^1][0].clear(); hm[cur^1][1].clear(); dp(i,j,cur,0); dp(i,j,cur,1); cur^=1; } } if(ans==inf) return -1; return ans; } int main(){ int t,ca=0; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); memset(maze,0,sizeof(maze)); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%s",maze[i]+1); ++n,++m; for(int i=0;i<=n;++i) maze[i][0]=maze[i][m]=‘.‘; for(int j=0;j<=m;++j) maze[0][j]=maze[n][j]=‘.‘; printf("Case #%d: %d\n",++ca, solve()); } return 0; }
HDU 4113 Construct the Great Wall(插头dp)
标签:blog io ar os sp for div on log