标签:computed 结果 cal stat ice 使用 end 比较 进一步
Mantel test 是对两个矩阵相关关系的检验,由Nathan Mantel在1976年提出。之所以抛开相关系数发展这样一种方法,是因为相关系数只能处理两列数据之间的相关性,而在面对两个矩阵之间的相关性时就束手无策。Mantel检验专治这种不服。
Mantel test,顾名思义,是一种检验。既然是检验就得有原假设,它的原假设是两个矩阵见没有相关关系。检验过程如下:两个矩阵都对应展开,变量两列,计算相关系数(理论上什么相关系数都可以计算,但常用pearson相关系数),然后其中一列或两列同时置换,再计算一个值,permutation 成千上万次,看实际的r值在所得r值分布中的位置,如果跟随机置换得到的结果站队较近,则不大相关,如果远远比随机由此得到显著性。
[1] 6.009877
[1] 0.519
The function calculates a Z-statistic for the Mantel test, equal to the sum of the pairwise product of the lower triangles of the permuted matrices, for each permutation of rows and columns. It compares the permuted distribution with the Z-statistic observed for the actual data.
> mantel(q1,q2)
Mantel statistic based on Pearson‘s product-moment correlation
mantel(xdis = q1, ydis = q2)
Mantel statistic r: 0.169
Significance: 0.279
Empirical upper confidence limits of r:
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.351 0.425 0.516 0.597
Based on 999 permutations
> mantel(veg.dist, env.dist)
Mantel statistic based on Pearson‘s product-moment correlation
mantel(xdis = veg.dist, ydis = env.dist)
Mantel statistic r: 0.3047
Significance: 0.001
Empirical upper confidence limits of r:
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.113 0.150 0.174 0.215
Based on 999 permutations
> mantel(veg.dist, env.dist, method="spear")
Mantel statistic based on Spearman‘s rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = veg.dist, ydis = env.dist, method = "spear")
Mantel statistic r: 0.2838
Significance: 0.001
Empirical upper confidence limits of r:
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.126 0.160 0.187 0.223
Based on 999 permutations
进一步关于Mantel correlogram。这种方法基于上述相关系数,不过其中一个矩阵换成了设计好的不同距离矩阵,分析相关性,得到不同距离下某多元变量组与之相关性的结果。
> mite.correlog = mantel.correlog(mite.hel.D, XY=mite.xy, nperm=999)
> mite.correlog
Mantel Correlogram Analysis
mantel.correlog(D.eco = mite.hel.D, XY = mite.xy, nperm = 999)
class.index n.dist Mantel.cor Pr(Mantel) Pr(corrected)
D.cl.1 0.514182 358.000000 0.135713 0.001 0.001 ***
D.cl.2 1.242546 650.000000 0.118174 0.001 0.002 **
D.cl.3 1.970910 796.000000 0.037820 0.052 0.052 .
D.cl.4 2.699274 696.000000 -0.098605 0.001 0.004 **
D.cl.5 3.427638 500.000000 -0.112682 0.001 0.005 **
D.cl.6 4.156002 468.000000 -0.107603 0.001 0.006 **
D.cl.7 4.884366 364.000000 -0.022264 0.134 0.134
D.cl.8 5.612730 326.000000 NA NA NA
D.cl.9 6.341094 260.000000 NA NA NA
D.cl.10 7.069458 184.000000 NA NA NA
D.cl.11 7.797822 130.000000 NA NA NA
D.cl.12 8.526186 66.000000 NA NA NA
D.cl.13 9.254550 32.000000 NA NA NA
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
A table with the distance classes as rows and the class indices, number of distances per class, Mantel statistics (computed using Pearson‘s r, Spearman‘s r, or Kendall‘s tau), and p-values as columns. A positive Mantel statistic indicates positive spatial correlation. An additional column with p-values corrected for multiple testing is added unless mult="none"
标签:computed 结果 cal stat ice 使用 end 比较 进一步