标签:plot 导致 des step tac har obs maximum too
原因:不要建太多字段,或者字段类型设置太长了,像这样设置了字段长度会导致最后超出表长度,新增不了新字段 ,或者建表本身就报错。
[IMP] Import start
[IMP] Import type - CSV file
[IMP] Import from - C:\Users\WQBin\Desktop\xxx_user.csv
[ERR] Cannot create table [soko_userxxx]: 1118 - Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
CREATE TABLE `operation`.`xxx_userxxx` ( `Status` varchar(255) NULL, `bankAccNo` varchar(255) NULL, `bankCardNo` varchar(255) NULL, `bankName` varchar(255) NULL, `bankNo` varchar(255) NULL, `beginTime` varchar(255) NULL, `birthday` varchar(255) NULL, `bvnMobile` varchar(255) NULL, `bvnNo` varchar(255) NULL, `bvnPhone` varchar(255) NULL, `children` varchar(255) NULL, `cityCode` varchar(255) NULL, `cityTown` varchar(255) NULL, `companyAddress` varchar(255) NULL, `companyCityCode` varchar(255) NULL, `companyCityTown` varchar(255) NULL, `companyProvinceCode` varchar(255) NULL, `createdTime` varchar(255) NULL, `currentAddress` varchar(255) NULL, `cvv` varchar(255) NULL, `department` varchar(255) NULL, `education` varchar(255) NULL, `email` varchar(255) NULL, `employmentIndustry` varchar(255) NULL, `endTime` varchar(255) NULL, `expiryYearMonth` varchar(255) NULL, `familyMember` varchar(255) NULL, `familyMemberName` varchar(255) NULL, `familyMemberPhone` varchar(255) NULL, `firstName` varchar(255) NULL, `gender` varchar(255) NULL, `id` varchar(255) NULL, `idCardBackImgCode` varchar(255) NULL, `idCardFrontImgCode` varchar(255) NULL, `idCardHandImgCode` varchar(255) NULL, `idnumber` varchar(255) NULL, `income` varchar(255) NULL, `isBvn` varchar(255) NULL, `isinblackList` varchar(255) NULL, `mobile` varchar(255) NULL, `mobilePhone` varchar(255) NULL, `name` varchar(255) NULL, `nearestBusStation` varchar(255) NULL, `occupationType` varchar(255) NULL, `officialNumber` varchar(255) NULL, `otherContact` varchar(255) NULL, `otherContactName` varchar(255) NULL, `otherContactPhone` varchar(255) NULL, `plot` varchar(255) NULL, `post` varchar(255) NULL, `promoCode` varchar(255) NULL, `provinceCode` varchar(255) NULL, `recipientCode` varchar(255) NULL, `remark` varchar(255) NULL, `rentPerYear` varchar(255) NULL, `residence` varchar(255) NULL, `salaryDay` varchar(255) NULL, `saveStep` varchar(255) NULL, `selfPhotoCode` varchar(255) NULL, `startWorkingTime` varchar(255) NULL, `status` varchar(255) NULL, `streetNumber` varchar(255) NULL, `surName` varchar(255) NULL, `timeType` varchar(255) NULL, `uid` varchar(255) NULL, )
[IMP] Processed: 0, Added: 0, Updated: 0, Deleted: 0, Errors: 0
[IMP] Finished with error
解决方案: 255改成50就OK了
Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type 解决
标签:plot 导致 des step tac har obs maximum too