BEM compiling
Table of Contents
1 Compiling
1.1 steady bem code
f95 -oa bemhat.f
1.2 unsteady BEM
requirement: fortran compiler ( g95 (Fortran 95, free), ifort (not free) is need to compile the source code.
1. compiling source code To compile the source code using ifort compiler and TUDK model: ~f95 wake_tudk.f dyn_aero.f~ To compile using ifort compiler and GH model: ~f95 wake_gh.f dyn_aero.f~ 2. running object code after compilation, an object code named "a.out" is generated. To run the object code: ~./a.out~ # "./ " means current directory ~./~ #current directory ~../~ # parent directory 3. analysing output files two output files are generated, i.e. *blade_aero1.plt* and *coeff_time.plt* 4. plot *Cp(Ct) vs time* using *gnuplot* ~gnuplot~ #open gnuplot ~load "coeff_tim.gnu~ #load gnuplot file
In order to compile, one has to use a Fortran compiler as g95, ifort and so on. For example if one wants to use the TUDK model and the ifort compiler, one should compile at the prompt:
ifort wake_tudk.f dyn_aero.f.
If the GH model is to be used, then
ifort wake_gh.f dyn_aero.f
The file incl.for must be in the same folder where the compiling takes place.
1.3 surfacebem code:
f95 -O3 wake_surf.f dyn_surf.f ./a.out # ~./~ means current folder
#gnuplot plotting
>>> load ‘c_t.gnu‘ >>> load ‘blade_aero.gnu‘