标签:having class hot toc where 默认 highlight ice mit
/*查询一张表所有的数据*/ select * from mall_goods; /*查询某些列*/ select id,name,goodsno from mall_goods; /*为列取别名,为了能与JavaBean中的属性对应,区分多张表中同名的列*/ select id as goodsId,name goodsname,goodsno from mall_goods; /*查询条件*/ select * from mall_goods where id=518; select * from mall_goods where newest=‘是‘; select * from mall_goods where hot=‘是‘; select * from mall_goods where categoryid=1 and newest=‘是‘; select * from mall_goods where stock>100 and stock<200; select * from mall_goods where stock between 100 and 200; /*是否包含100,200 */ /*排序,默认是升序,可以使用desc和asc明确是降序和升序*/ select * from mall_goods order by stock desc,goodsno desc; /*模糊查询*/ select * from mall_goods where name like ‘%IT%‘; select * from mall_goods where name like ‘IT%‘; select * from mall_goods where name like ‘IT_‘; /*聚合查询*/ select count(*) from mall_goods; select sum(stock) from mall_goods; select max(stock) from mall_goods; select min(stock) from mall_goods; select avg(salesprice) from mall_goods; /*分组:查询每一种类别图书的总数*/ select categoryid,count(1) from mall_goods group by categoryid; /*分组:查询图书数在150以上的*/ select categoryid,count(1) from mall_goods group by categoryid having count(1)>150; /*分组:查询所有最新商品,图书总数在15之上的分组统计*/ select categoryid,count(1) from mall_goods where newest=‘是‘ group by categoryid having count(1)>15 order by count(1) desc; /*分页查询*/ SELECT * FROM mall_goods LIMIT 10;//查询前十条数据 SELECT * FROM mall_goods LIMIT 0,10;//(开始标记,每页条数)第一页<1开始><10条数据> SELECT * FROM mall_goods LIMIT 10,10;//第二页<11开始><10条数据>
标签:having class hot toc where 默认 highlight ice mit