Interacting with a running server program is traditionally done in one of two ways. One is to do it through an interactive shell kept available by using a screen or tmux session that runs in the background and letting someone connect to it.
?与运行中的程序交互通常有两种方式:一种是使用erlang shell或tmux会话(在后台运行,让用户来主动连接它)The other is to program management functions or comprehensive configuration files that can be dynamically reloaded.?几乎所有的系统都支持第二种方法,所以本书会跳过这部分,毕竟我们对事情恶化后如何处理更感兴趣。
这也就意味着,并不仅仅只能开启一个屏幕会话,可能同时会有很多Erlang shell与虚拟机相连接,这样多个shell就能同一个虚拟机进行交互 1。
Most usages will also require the use of named nodes, and all of them will require a priori measures to make sure you can contact the node.
?大多数节点都需要使用节点名,而且还需要做一些准备措施,这样才能保证你成功连接到节点。[1] More details on the mechanisms at http://ferd.ca/repl-a-bit-more-and-less-than-that.html标签:erlang