标签:命令 oss 作者 server com lin cal issue mes
包含:epic,feature, story, title, testcase, issue, description, step, serverity, link, attachment
import pytest import allure @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def login_fixture(): print("前置条件:登录") @allure.step("步骤1") def step_1(): print("操作步骤---------------1") @allure.step("步骤2") def step_2(): print("操作步骤---------------2") @allure.step("步骤3") def step_3(): print("操作步骤---------------3") @allure.epic("epic对大Story的一个描述性标签") @allure.feature("测试模块") class TestDemoAllure(): @allure.testcase("http://49.235.x.x:8080/zentao/testcase-view-6-1.html") @allure.issue("http://49.235.x.x:8080/zentao/bug-view-1.html") @allure.title("用例的标题") @allure.story("用户故事:1") @allure.severity("critical") def test_case_1(self, login_fixture): ‘‘‘case description:作者:上海-悠悠 qq交流群:874033608 1.点文章分类导航标签 -跳转编辑页面 2.编辑页面输入,分类名称,如:上海-悠悠-可以输入 3.点保存按钮保存成功 ‘‘‘ step_1() step_2() @allure.story("用户故事:2") def test_case_2(self, login_fixture): print("测试用例1") step_1() step_3() @allure.epic("epic对大Story的一个描述性标签") @allure.feature("模块2") class TestDemo2(): @allure.story("用户故事:3") def test_case_3(self, login_fixture): print("测试用例1") step_1() @allure.story("用户故事:4") def test_case_4(self, login_fixture): print("测试用例1") step_3()
pytest --alluredir ./report/allure
allure serve ./report/allure
--allure-severities=SEVERITIES_SET Comma-separated list of severity names. Tests only with these severities will be run. Possible values are: blocker, critical, normal, minor, trivial. --allure-epics=EPICS_SET Comma-separated list of epic names. Run tests that have at least one of the specified feature labels. --allure-features=FEATURES_SET Comma-separated list of feature names. Run tests that have at least one of the specified feature labels. --allure-stories=STORIES_SET Comma-separated list of story names. Run tests that have at least one of the specified story labels. --allure-link-pattern=LINK_TYPE:LINK_PATTERN Url pattern for link type. Allows short links in test, like ‘issue-1‘. Text will be formatted to full url with python str.format().
pytest --alluredir ./report/allure --allure-epics=epic对大Story的一个描述性标签
pytest --alluredir ./report/allure --allure-features=模块2
pytest --alluredir ./report/allure --allure-stories="用户故事:1"
标签:命令 oss 作者 server com lin cal issue mes