标签:one mat obj 使用 col arch mpi pil 组成
compile(pattern, flags=0)
** 正则匹配规则: \w*o\w*
\w* 表示匹配由大小写英文字bai母数字和下划线组成的0个或多个du字符
o 表示匹zhi配字符o
\w*o\w* 表示匹配含有o的字dao符串(不管o在首字母还是在尾字母还是在中间)
import re def main(): content = ‘Hello, I am Jerry, from Chongqing, a montain city, nice to meet you……‘ regex = re.compile(‘\w*o\w*‘) x = regex.findall(content) print(x) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main() # [‘Hello‘, ‘from‘, ‘Chongqing‘, ‘montain‘, ‘to‘, ‘you‘]
import re def main(): content = ‘Hello, I am Jerry, from Chongqing, a montain city, nice to meet you……‘ regex = re.compile(‘\w*o\w*‘) y = regex.match(content) print(y) print(type(y)) print(y.group()) print(y.span()) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main() # <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 5), match=‘Hello‘> # <class ‘_sre.SRE_Match‘> # Hello # (0, 5)
4、compile()与search()搭配使用, 返回的类型与match()差不多, 但是不同的是search(), 可以不从位置0开始匹配。但是匹配一个单词之后,匹配和match()一样,匹配就会结束。
import re def main(): content = ‘Hello, I am Jerry, from Chongqing, a montain city, nice to meet you……‘ regex = re.compile(‘\w*o\w*‘) z = regex.search(content) print(z) print(type(z)) print(z.group()) print(z.span()) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main() # <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 5), match=‘Hello‘> # <class ‘_sre.SRE_Match‘> # Hello # (0, 5)
标签:one mat obj 使用 col arch mpi pil 组成