标签:one tor 连接 group by style GDPR 查询 返回 uid
4.1.1 select语句
一、select 查询语句
1.select [all | distinct] * | 列名1[,列名2,.........,列名n] from 表名 [where 条件表达式] [group by 列名 [asc | desc ] [having 条件表达式]] [order by 列名 [asc | desc],.....] [limit [offset] 记录数];
4.1.2 查询列
1.use onlinedb;select * from goodstype;
1.select gdCode,gdName,gdPrice,gdSaleQty from Goods;
1.select gdName,gdSaleQty*gdPrice from Goods; 2.select uName, year(now())-year(ubirth) from users;
1.select gdName as 商品名,gdPrice as 价格,gdCity as 城市 from Goods; 2.select gdName,gdSaleQty*gdPrice from goods;
1.where 表达式1 比较运算符 表达式2 eg: select uID,uName from Users where uID = 8; eg:select uID,uName,uPhone from Users where year(uBirth)>= 2000;
1.where [not] 表达式1 逻辑运算符 表达式2 eg:select uID,uName,uPhone from Users where year(uBirth) >= 2000 and uSex‘男‘; eg:select tID,gdname,gdprice from goods where tid=4 or gdprice<=50; eg:select gdName,gdPrice from goods where not(gdPrice>50); eg:select gdName,gdPrice,gdCity from goods where gdCity=‘长沙‘ or gdCity =‘西安‘ and gdPrice<=50;
三、使用between and 运算符
1.where 表达式 [not] between 初始值 and 终止值 eg:select gdname,gdprice from goods where gdprice between 100and 500;
1.where 表达式 [not] in (值1,值2,.........) eg:select gdname,gdcity from goods where gdcity in (‘长沙‘,‘西安‘,‘上海‘);
1.where 列名 [not] like ‘字符串‘ [escape ‘转义字符‘] eg:select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘李%‘; eg:select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘_湘%‘; eg:select gdname,gdprice,gdcode from goods where gdname ‘华为P9\_%‘; eg:select gdname,gdprice,gdcode from goods where gdname ‘华为P9|_%‘ escape ‘|‘;
4.1.5 使用limit限制结果集返回的行数
1.limit [offset,] 记录数 eg:select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods limit 3; eg:select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods limit 3,3;
1.sum/avg/max/min ( [all | distinct ] 列名 | 常量 | 表达式) eg:select sum(gdsaleqty) from goods; eg:select max(gdprice) from goods 2.count ( { [ [all | distinct] 列名 | 常量 | 表达式] | * } ) eg: select count(*) from users; eg: select count(distinct uid) from orders;
二、group by 子句
1.group by [ all ] 列名1, 列名2, [ ,....n] [ with rollup] [having 条件表达式] eg:select uid,uname,usex,ucity from users group by ucity; eg:select ucity, count (*) from users group by ucity; 2.group_count([distinct] 表达式 [order by 列名] [sparator 分隔符]) eg:select ucity,group_concat(uid) as uids from users group by ucity; eg:select ucity,group_concat(uid order by uid separator ‘_‘) as uids from users group by ucity; eg:select ucity,count(*) from users where ucity in (‘长沙‘,‘上海‘) group by ucity with rollup; eg:select ucity ,count(*) from users group by ucity having count (*)>=3;
1.select [ALL | DISTINCT ] * | 列名1[,列名2,....,列名n] from 表1 [别名1] JOIN 表2 [别名2] [on 表1.关系列 = 表2.关系列 | using(列名)][where 表达式]
1.select tname,gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goodstype JOIN goods on goodstype.tid = goods.tid where tname = ‘服饰‘;
标签:one tor 连接 group by style GDPR 查询 返回 uid