标签:bsp problem element tput http key pre def efault
package LeetCode_961 /** * 961. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array * https://leetcode.com/problems/n-repeated-element-in-size-2n-array/description/ * In a array A of size 2N, there are N+1 unique elements, and exactly one of these elements is repeated N times. Return the element repeated N times. Example 1: Input: [1,2,3,3] Output: 3 * */ class Solution { fun repeatedNTimes(A: IntArray): Int { /*val n = A.size/2 val map = HashMap<Int,Int>() for (i in A){ map.put(i, map.getOrDefault(i,0)+1) } for (m in map){ if (m.value==n){ return m.key } }*/ //because exactly one of these elements is repeated N times val array = IntArray(10000) for (num in A){ array[num]++ if (array[num]>1){ return num } } return 0 } }
961. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array
标签:bsp problem element tput http key pre def efault