标签:new turn 准确率 unique 有序 uri master enum strip
textCNN 模型
charCNN 模型
Bi-LSTM 模型
Bi-LSTM + Attention 模型
Transformer 模型
ELMo 预训练模型
BERT 预训练模型
Bi-LSTM + Attention模型来源于论文Attention-Based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Relation Classification。
Bi-LSTM + Attention 就是在Bi-LSTM的模型上加入Attention层,在Bi-LSTM中我们会用最后一个时序 的输出向量 作为特征向量,然后进行softmax分类。Attention是先计算每个时序的权重,然后将所有时序 的向量进行加权和作为特征向量,然后进行softmax分类。在实验中,加上Attention确实对结果有所提升。其模型结构如下图:
数据集为IMDB 电影影评,总共有三个数据文件,在/data/rawData目录下,包括unlabeledTrainData.tsv,labeledTrainData.tsv,testData.tsv。在进行文本分类时需要有标签的数据(labeledTrainData),但是在训练word2vec词向量模型(无监督学习)时可以将无标签的数据一起用上。
训练数据地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-XEwx1ai8kkGsMagIFKX_g 提取码:rtz8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | # Author:yifan #需要的所有导入包,存放留用,转换到jupyter后直接使用 # 1 配置训练参数 class TrainingConfig(object): epoches = 4 evaluateEvery = 100 checkpointEvery = 100 learningRate = 0.001 ? class ModelConfig(object): embeddingSize = 200 hiddenSizes = [256, 128] # LSTM结构的神经元个数 dropoutKeepProb = 0.5 l2RegLambda = 0.0 ? class Config(object): sequenceLength = 200 # 取了所有序列长度的均值 batchSize = 128 dataSource = "../data/preProcess/labeledTrain.csv" stopWordSource = "../data/english" numClasses = 1 # 二分类设置为1,多分类设置为类别的数目 rate = 0.8 # 训练集的比例 training = TrainingConfig() model = ModelConfig() ? # 实例化配置参数对象 config = Config() |
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? def _getWordEmbedding(self, words): """按照我们的数据集中的单词取出预训练好的word2vec中的词向量 反馈词和对应的向量(200维度),另外前面增加PAD对用0的数组,UNK对应随机数组。 """ wordVec = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("../word2vec/word2Vec.bin", binary=True) vocab = [] wordEmbedding = [] # 添加 "pad" 和 "UNK", vocab.append("PAD") vocab.append("UNK") wordEmbedding.append(np.zeros(self._embeddingSize)) # _embeddingSize 本文定义的是200 wordEmbedding.append(np.random.randn(self._embeddingSize)) # print(wordEmbedding) for word in words: try: vector = wordVec.wv[word] vocab.append(word) wordEmbedding.append(vector) except: print(word + "不存在于词向量中") # print(vocab[:3],wordEmbedding[:3]) return vocab, np.array(wordEmbedding) def _genVocabulary(self, reviews, labels): """生成词向量和词汇-索引映射字典,可以用全数据集""" allWords = [word for review in reviews for word in review] #单词数量5738236 reviews是25000个观点句子【】 subWords = [word for word in allWords if word not in self.stopWordDict] # 去掉停用词 wordCount = Counter(subWords) # 统计词频 sortWordCount = sorted(wordCount.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) #返回键值对,并按照数量排序 # print(len(sortWordCount)) #161330 # print(sortWordCount[:4],sortWordCount[-4:]) # [(‘movie‘, 41104), (‘film‘, 36981), (‘one‘, 24966), (‘like‘, 19490)] [(‘daeseleires‘, 1), (‘nice310‘, 1), (‘shortsightedness‘, 1), (‘unfairness‘, 1)] words = [item[0] for item in sortWordCount if item[1] >= 5] # 去除低频词,低于5的 vocab, wordEmbedding = self._getWordEmbedding(words) self.wordEmbedding = wordEmbedding word2idx = dict(zip(vocab, list(range(len(vocab))))) #生成类似这种{‘I‘: 0, ‘love‘: 1, ‘yanzi‘: 2} uniqueLabel = list(set(labels)) #标签去重 最后就 0 1了 label2idx = dict(zip(uniqueLabel, list(range(len(uniqueLabel))))) #本文就 {0: 0, 1: 1} self.labelList = list(range(len(uniqueLabel))) # 将词汇-索引映射表保存为json数据,之后做inference时直接加载来处理数据 with open("../data/wordJson/word2idx.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(word2idx, f) with open("../data/wordJson/label2idx.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(label2idx, f) return word2idx, label2idx ? ? def _readStopWord(self, stopWordPath): """ 读取停用词 """ with open(stopWordPath, "r") as f: stopWords = f.read() stopWordList = stopWords.splitlines() # 将停用词用列表的形式生成,之后查找停用词时会比较快 self.stopWordDict = dict(zip(stopWordList, list(range(len(stopWordList))))) ? ? def dataGen(self): """ 初始化训练集和验证集 """ # 初始化停用词 self._readStopWord(self._stopWordSource) # 初始化数据集 reviews, labels = self._readData(self._dataSource) # 初始化词汇-索引映射表和词向量矩阵 word2idx, label2idx = self._genVocabulary(reviews, labels) # 将标签和句子数值化 labelIds = self._labelToIndex(labels, label2idx) reviewIds = self._wordToIndex(reviews, word2idx) # 初始化训练集和测试集 trainReviews, trainLabels, evalReviews, evalLabels = self._genTrainEvalData(reviewIds, labelIds, word2idx, self._rate) self.trainReviews = trainReviews self.trainLabels = trainLabels ? ? self.evalReviews = evalReviews self.evalLabels = evalLabels ? ? #获取前些模块的数据 # config =parameter_config.Config() # data = Dataset(config) # data.dataGen() |
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? #获取前些模块的数据 config =parameter_config.Config() data = get_train_data.Dataset(config) data.dataGen() ? ? #4生成batch数据集 def nextBatch(x, y, batchSize): # 生成batch数据集,用生成器的方式输出 perm = np.arange(len(x)) #返回[0 1 2 ... len(x)]的数组 np.random.shuffle(perm) #乱序 x = x[perm] y = y[perm] numBatches = len(x) // batchSize ? ? for i in range(numBatches): start = i * batchSize end = start + batchSize batchX = np.array(x[start: end], dtype="int64") batchY = np.array(y[start: end], dtype="float32") yield batchX, batchY ? ? # 5 定义计算metrics的函数 """ 定义各类性能指标 """ def mean(item: list) -> float: """ 计算列表中元素的平均值 :param item: 列表对象 :return: """ res = sum(item) / len(item) if len(item) > 0 else 0 return res ? ? def accuracy(pred_y, true_y): """ 计算二类和多类的准确率 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :return: """ if isinstance(pred_y[0], list): pred_y = [item[0] for item in pred_y] corr = 0 for i in range(len(pred_y)): if pred_y[i] == true_y[i]: corr += 1 acc = corr / len(pred_y) if len(pred_y) > 0 else 0 return acc ? ? def binary_precision(pred_y, true_y, positive=1): """ 二类的精确率计算 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param positive: 正例的索引表示 :return: """ corr = 0 pred_corr = 0 for i in range(len(pred_y)): if pred_y[i] == positive: pred_corr += 1 if pred_y[i] == true_y[i]: corr += 1 ? ? prec = corr / pred_corr if pred_corr > 0 else 0 return prec ? ? def binary_recall(pred_y, true_y, positive=1): """ 二类的召回率 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param positive: 正例的索引表示 :return: """ corr = 0 true_corr = 0 for i in range(len(pred_y)): if true_y[i] == positive: true_corr += 1 if pred_y[i] == true_y[i]: corr += 1 ? ? rec = corr / true_corr if true_corr > 0 else 0 return rec ? ? def binary_f_beta(pred_y, true_y, beta=1.0, positive=1): """ 二类的f beta值 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param beta: beta值 :param positive: 正例的索引表示 :return: """ precision = binary_precision(pred_y, true_y, positive) recall = binary_recall(pred_y, true_y, positive) try: f_b = (1 + beta * beta) * precision * recall / (beta * beta * precision + recall) except: f_b = 0 return f_b ? ? def multi_precision(pred_y, true_y, labels): """ 多类的精确率 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param labels: 标签列表 :return: """ if isinstance(pred_y[0], list): pred_y = [item[0] for item in pred_y] ? ? precisions = [binary_precision(pred_y, true_y, label) for label in labels] prec = mean(precisions) return prec ? ? def multi_recall(pred_y, true_y, labels): """ 多类的召回率 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param labels: 标签列表 :return: """ if isinstance(pred_y[0], list): pred_y = [item[0] for item in pred_y] ? ? recalls = [binary_recall(pred_y, true_y, label) for label in labels] rec = mean(recalls) return rec ? ? def multi_f_beta(pred_y, true_y, labels, beta=1.0): """ 多类的f beta值 :param pred_y: 预测结果 :param true_y: 真实结果 :param labels: 标签列表 :param beta: beta值 :return: """ if isinstance(pred_y[0], list): pred_y = [item[0] for item in pred_y] ? ? f_betas = [binary_f_beta(pred_y, true_y, beta, label) for label in labels] f_beta = mean(f_betas) return f_beta ? ? def get_binary_metrics(pred_y, true_y, f_beta=1.0): """ 得到二分类的性能指标 :param pred_y: :param true_y: :param f_beta: :return: """ acc = accuracy(pred_y, true_y) recall = binary_recall(pred_y, true_y) precision = binary_precision(pred_y, true_y) f_beta = binary_f_beta(pred_y, true_y, f_beta) return acc, recall, precision, f_beta ? ? def get_multi_metrics(pred_y, true_y, labels, f_beta=1.0): """ 得到多分类的性能指标 :param pred_y: :param true_y: :param labels: :param f_beta: :return: """ acc = accuracy(pred_y, true_y) recall = multi_recall(pred_y, true_y, labels) precision = multi_precision(pred_y, true_y, labels) f_beta = multi_f_beta(pred_y, true_y, labels, f_beta) return acc, recall, precision, f_beta ? ? # 6 训练模型 # 生成训练集和验证集 trainReviews = data.trainReviews trainLabels = data.trainLabels evalReviews = data.evalReviews evalLabels = data.evalLabels wordEmbedding = data.wordEmbedding labelList = data.labelList ? ? # 定义计算图 with tf.Graph().as_default(): ? ? session_conf = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) session_conf.gpu_options.allow_growth=True session_conf.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.9 # 配置gpu占用率 ? ? sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) ? # 定义会话 with sess.as_default(): bilstmattention = mode_structure.BiLSTMAttention(config, wordEmbedding) globalStep = tf.Variable(0, name="globalStep", trainable=False) # 定义优化函数,传入学习速率参数 optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(config.training.learningRate) # 计算梯度,得到梯度和变量 gradsAndVars = optimizer.compute_gradients(bilstmattention.loss) # 将梯度应用到变量下,生成训练器 trainOp = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradsAndVars, global_step=globalStep) ? # 用summary绘制tensorBoard gradSummaries = [] for g, v in gradsAndVars: if g is not None: tf.summary.histogram("{}/grad/hist".format(v.name), g) tf.summary.scalar("{}/grad/sparsity".format(v.name), tf.nn.zero_fraction(g)) ? outDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "summarys")) print("Writing to {}\n".format(outDir)) ? lossSummary = tf.summary.scalar("loss", bilstmattention.loss) summaryOp = tf.summary.merge_all() ? trainSummaryDir = os.path.join(outDir, "train") trainSummaryWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(trainSummaryDir, sess.graph) ? evalSummaryDir = os.path.join(outDir, "eval") evalSummaryWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(evalSummaryDir, sess.graph) ? ? # 初始化所有变量 saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=5) ? # 保存模型的一种方式,保存为pb文件 savedModelPath = "../model/bilstm-atten/savedModel" if os.path.exists(savedModelPath): os.rmdir(savedModelPath) builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(savedModelPath) ? sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) ? ? def trainStep(batchX, batchY): """ 训练函数 """ feed_dict = { bilstmattention.inputX: batchX, bilstmattention.inputY: batchY, bilstmattention.dropoutKeepProb: config.model.dropoutKeepProb } _, summary, step, loss, predictions = sess.run( [trainOp, summaryOp, globalStep, bilstmattention.loss, bilstmattention.predictions], feed_dict) timeStr = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() ? if config.numClasses == 1: acc, recall, prec, f_beta = get_binary_metrics(pred_y=predictions, true_y=batchY) ? ? elif config.numClasses > 1: acc, recall, prec, f_beta = get_multi_metrics(pred_y=predictions, true_y=batchY, labels=labelList) ? trainSummaryWriter.add_summary(summary, step) ? return loss, acc, prec, recall, f_beta ? ? def devStep(batchX, batchY): """ 验证函数 """ feed_dict = { bilstmattention.inputX: batchX, bilstmattention.inputY: batchY, bilstmattention.dropoutKeepProb: 1.0 } summary, step, loss, predictions = sess.run( [summaryOp, globalStep, bilstmattention.loss, bilstmattention.predictions], feed_dict) ? if config.numClasses == 1: ? acc, precision, recall, f_beta = get_binary_metrics(pred_y=predictions, true_y=batchY) elif config.numClasses > 1: acc, precision, recall, f_beta = get_multi_metrics(pred_y=predictions, true_y=batchY, labels=labelList) ? evalSummaryWriter.add_summary(summary, step) ? return loss, acc, precision, recall, f_beta ? for i in range(config.training.epoches): # 训练模型 print("start training model") for batchTrain in nextBatch(trainReviews, trainLabels, config.batchSize): loss, acc, prec, recall, f_beta = trainStep(batchTrain[0], batchTrain[1]) ? currentStep = tf.train.global_step(sess, globalStep) print("train: step: {}, loss: {}, acc: {}, recall: {}, precision: {}, f_beta: {}".format( currentStep, loss, acc, recall, prec, f_beta)) if currentStep % config.training.evaluateEvery == 0: print("\nEvaluation:") ? losses = [] accs = [] f_betas = [] precisions = [] recalls = [] ? for batchEval in nextBatch(evalReviews, evalLabels, config.batchSize): loss, acc, precision, recall, f_beta = devStep(batchEval[0], batchEval[1]) losses.append(loss) accs.append(acc) f_betas.append(f_beta) precisions.append(precision) recalls.append(recall) ? time_str = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() print("{}, step: {}, loss: {}, acc: {},precision: {}, recall: {}, f_beta: {}".format(time_str, currentStep, mean(losses), mean(accs), mean(precisions), mean(recalls), mean(f_betas))) ? if currentStep % config.training.checkpointEvery == 0: # 保存模型的另一种方法,保存checkpoint文件 path = saver.save(sess, "../model/bilstm-atten/model/my-model", global_step=currentStep) print("Saved model checkpoint to {}\n".format(path)) ? inputs = {"inputX": tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(bilstmattention.inputX), "keepProb": tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(bilstmattention.dropoutKeepProb)} ? ? outputs = {"predictions": tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(bilstmattention.predictions)} ? ? prediction_signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.build_signature_def(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, method_name=tf.saved_model.signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME) legacy_init_op = tf.group(tf.tables_initializer(), name="legacy_init_op") builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map={"predict": prediction_signature}, legacy_init_op=legacy_init_op) ? ? builder.save() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | # Author:yifan import os import csv import time import datetime import random import json from collections import Counter from math import sqrt import gensim import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score import parameter_config config =parameter_config.Config() ? ? #7预测代码 x = "this movie is full of references like mad max ii the wild one and many others the ladybug′s face it′s a clear reference or tribute to peter lorre this movie is a masterpiece we′ll talk much more about in the future" # x = "his movie is the same as the third level movie. There‘s no place to look good" # x = "This film is not good" #最终反馈为0 # x = "This film is bad" #最终反馈为0 ? ? x = "this movie is full of references like mad max ii the wild one and many others the ladybug′s face it′s a clear reference or tribute to peter lorre this movie is a masterpiece we′ll talk much more about in the future" ? ? # 注:下面两个词典要保证和当前加载的模型对应的词典是一致的 with open("../data/wordJson/word2idx.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: word2idx = json.load(f) ? with open("../data/wordJson/label2idx.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: label2idx = json.load(f) idx2label = {value: key for key, value in label2idx.items()} ? xIds = [word2idx.get(item, word2idx["UNK"]) for item in x.split(" ")] if len(xIds) >= config.sequenceLength: xIds = xIds[:config.sequenceLength] else: xIds = xIds + [word2idx["PAD"]] * (config.sequenceLength - len(xIds)) ? ? graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.333) session_conf = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options) sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) ? ? with sess.as_default(): checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint("../model/bilstm-atten/model/") saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("{}.meta".format(checkpoint_file)) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_file) ? ? # 获得需要喂给模型的参数,输出的结果依赖的输入值 inputX = graph.get_operation_by_name("inputX").outputs[0] dropoutKeepProb = graph.get_operation_by_name("dropoutKeepProb").outputs[0] ? ? # 获得输出的结果 predictions = graph.get_tensor_by_name("output/predictions:0") ? ? pred = sess.run(predictions, feed_dict={inputX: [xIds], dropoutKeepProb: 1.0})[0] ? ? # print(pred) pred = [idx2label[item] for item in pred] print(pred) |
【1】 https://home.cnblogs.com/u/jiangxinyang/
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