标签:cat mode lock max microsoft idt XSA war div
Hardware Model Checking(All major hardware companies (Intel, ...) use SAT sovler to verify their chip desgins)
Software Verification
1.SAT solver based SMT solvers are used to verify Microsoft software products
2.Embedded software in Cars, Aiplanes, Refrigerators, ...
3.Unix utilities
Automated Planning and Scheduling(Still one of the best approaches for optimal planning)
Number Theoretic Problems (Pythagorean Triples)
**Solving other NP-hard problems **(coloring, clique, ...)
A: B is lying.
B: C is lying.
C: A and B is lying.
so, who is not lying?
3 variables: a, b, c present A, B, C speak truth, while ?a, ?b, ?c present lying.
**clauses: **
a V b V c ; %at least one speak truth.
? a V ? b; a V b; %a-> ?b, ?a -> b
? b V ? c; b V c; %b-> ?c, ?b -> c
? c V ? a; ?c V ?b; c V a V b %c->(?a? ?b), ?c->? (?a? ?b)
result: ?a, b, ?c
b speaks truth, a, c are lying
对于某些问题,是不可满足的。那么需要关注如何尽可能地满足,即 MaxSAT。
满足所有的硬子句(hard clauses),尽可能地满足软子句(soft clauses)。
满足所有的硬子句(hard clauses)和最大权重的软子句(soft clauses)
标签:cat mode lock max microsoft idt XSA war div