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Exception code: 0xE0434352

时间:2020-07-28 16:56:56      阅读:69      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:rod   load   ack   18C   bug   sdn   ras   The   win   

0xE0434352 is the exception code for all .NET exceptions so that won‘t tell you much. How did you got this exception code? The event log?

Your best bet is to use a debugger to get more information. If the Visual Studio debugger won‘t help you, then you might need to check out WinDbg with SOS. See here and here for an introduction. Let it break on the exception, and see if you can get more information on the why.

If you suspect it is an issue when loading assemblies you might want to check out the Fusion Log.


By Lars Truijens



Exception code: 0xE0434352

标签:rod   load   ack   18C   bug   sdn   ras   The   win   


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