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SAP FBN1 Number Range In Financial Accounting & Table Name NRIV, OBJ RF_BELEG

时间:2020-08-08 17:30:06      阅读:50      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:reac   forms   ane   purpose   form   lin   page   sam   als   


map.put("keyWord","%" + keyWord + "%");
<select id="getUserLikeGaojianList" parameterType="map" resultMap="userLikeGaojianEntity">
    SELECT *
    FROM news_base_gaojian g LEFT JOIN news_base_gaojian_like l ON l.gid=g.gj_id and l.uid = #{uId} and type=2
        is_delete = 0 AND gj_user_type = #{userType} AND gj_hash_p = #{gjHashP}
        <if test="tougaoState != null">
            AND gj_tougao_pingtai_num >= #{tougaoState}
        <if test="gjType != null">
            AND gj_type = #{gjType}
        <if test="keyWord != null ">
            AND ( gj_title LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_title2 LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_bianji LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_laiyuan LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_excerpt LIKE #{keyWord})
        <if test="date1 != null and date2 != null">
            AND gj_lasttime &lt;= #{date1} AND  &gt;= #{date2}
    LIMIT 0,20

注意:此时就不能用keyWord != null做为动态sql中test的参数,因为当关键字keyWord为空时,keyWord="%null%"


  1. 修改.xml文件

        <select id="getUserLikeGaojianList" parameterType="map" resultMap="userLikeGaojianEntity">
            SELECT *
            FROM news_base_gaojian g LEFT JOIN news_base_gaojian_like l ON l.gid=g.gj_id and l.uid = #{uId} and type=2
                is_delete = 0 AND gj_user_type = #{userType} AND gj_hash_p = #{gjHashP}
                <if test="tougaoState != null">
                    AND gj_tougao_pingtai_num >= #{tougaoState}
                <if test="gjType != null">
                    AND gj_type = #{gjType}
                <if test="keyWord != ‘%null%‘ ">
                    AND ( gj_title LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_title2 LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_bianji LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_laiyuan LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_excerpt LIKE #{keyWord})
                <if test="date1 != null and date2 != null">
                    AND gj_lasttime &lt;= #{date1} AND  &gt;= #{date2}
            LIMIT 0,20
  2. 修改service层

    <if test="keyWord != null ">
        AND ( gj_title LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_title2 LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_bianji LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_laiyuan LIKE #{keyWord} OR gj_excerpt LIKE #{keyWord})

SAP FBN1 Number Range In Financial Accounting & Table Name NRIV, OBJ RF_BELEG

标签:reac   forms   ane   purpose   form   lin   page   sam   als   


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