标签:blog http io ar os 使用 sp for strong
现在已经非常擅长使用Repository方式开发关系数据库的程序了,但是在使用Nosql如Mongo的时候,更多的是使用Mongo Driver,无意中看到了MongoRepository,允许了以Repository的方式去开发使用Mongo了。
1.新建项目通过NuGet 引入MongoRepository ;
2.我们使用的是Console application新建一个App.config,添加如下信息:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="MongoServerSettings" connectionString="mongodb://localhost/SampleProject" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration>
using System.Collections.Generic; using MongoRepository; public class Customer : Entity //Inherit from Entity! { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public List<Product> Products { get; set; } public Customer() { this.Products = new List<Product>(); } } public class Product //No need to inherit from Entity; This object is not contained in //it‘s "own" MongoDb document. It is only contained in a customer { public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } }
using System; using System.Linq; using MongoRepository; class Program { static MongoRepository<Customer> customerrepo = new MongoRepository<Customer>(); static void Main(string[] args) { //Add customers var john = new Customer() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }; var jane = new Customer() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe" }; var jerry = new Customer() { FirstName = "Jerry", LastName = "Maguire" }; customerrepo.Add(new[] { john, jane, jerry }); //Show contents of DB DumpData(); //Update customers john.FirstName = "Johnny"; //John prefers Johnny customerrepo.Update(john); jane.LastName = "Maguire"; //Jane divorces John and marries Jerry customerrepo.Update(jane); //Delete customers customerrepo.Delete(jerry.Id); //Jerry passes away //Add some products to John and Jane john.Products.AddRange(new[] { new Product() { Name = "Fony DVD Player XY1299", Price = 35.99M }, new Product() { Name = "Big Smile Toothpaste", Price = 1.99M } }); jane.Products.Add(new Product() { Name = "Life Insurance", Price = 2500 }); customerrepo.Update(john); customerrepo.Update(jane); //Or, alternatively: customerrepo.Update(new [] { john, jane }); //Show contents of DB DumpData(); //Finally; demonstrate GetById and First var mysterycustomer1 = customerrepo.GetById(john.Id); var mysterycustomer2 = customerrepo.First(c => c.FirstName == "Jane"); Console.WriteLine("Mystery customer 1: {0} (having {1} products)", mysterycustomer1.FirstName, mysterycustomer1.Products.Count); Console.WriteLine("Mystery customer 2: {0} (having {1} products)", mysterycustomer2.FirstName, mysterycustomer2.Products.Count); //Delete all customers customerrepo.DeleteAll(); //Halt for user Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } private static void DumpData() { //Print all data Console.WriteLine("Currently in our database:"); foreach (Customer c in customerrepo) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t has {2} products", c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Products.Count); foreach (Product p in c.Products) Console.WriteLine("\t{0} priced ${1:N2}", p.Name, p.Price); Console.WriteLine("\tTOTAL: ${0:N2}", c.Products.Sum(p => p.Price)); } Console.WriteLine(new string(‘=‘, 50)); } }
Currently in our database: John Doe has 0 products TOTAL: $0,00 Jane Doe has 0 products TOTAL: $0,00 Jerry Maguire has 0 products TOTAL: $0,00 ================================================== Currently in our database: Jane Maguire has 1 products Life Insurance priced $2.500,00 TOTAL: $2.500,00 Johnny Doe has 2 products Fony DVD Player XY1299 priced $35,99 Big Smile Toothpaste priced $1,99 TOTAL: $37,98 ================================================== Mystery customer 1: Johnny (having 2 products) Mystery customer 2: Jane (having 1 products) Press any key...
标签:blog http io ar os 使用 sp for strong