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Definition (Nowhere dense set) A set $A$ in a topological space $X$ is nowhere dense if the complement of its closure is dense in $X$, i.e. $\overline{(\bar{A})^{\rm c}} = X$.
Definition (Set of first category) A set $A$ in a topological space $X$ is of first category if it is the union of a countable collection of nowhere dense sets, i.e. $A = \bigcup_n E_n$, where each $E_n$ is nowhere dense in $X$.
Baire Category Theorem Let $X$ be a complete metric space. Then no nonempty open subset of $X$ is of first category.
It can be seen that Baire Category Theorem starts from a complete metric space and arrives at a pure topological property. During the proof, the metric property is thrown away after being used, which seems like the scaffold is disassembled after the construction of a building is finished. At the first glance, this is rather weired. However, after some consideration, it is easy to accept this fact on the emotional level in the following way.
In mathematical analysis, we have been familiar with the theoretical framework built up according to this route:
The above layer-by-layer construction process leaves us a “clear” impression that a higher layer concept is generated by adding more features on top of the lower layer concepts but without producing any influence on them. However, this is just an illusion! Baire Category theorem tells us that by assigning a metric to a topological space, and then making it complete with respect to this metric, a constraint is imposed on the topological property of $X$, from which no nonempty open subset of $X$ is of first category. This “perturbation” from a higher level concept to a lower one is hidden beneath the elegant theoretical framework, which should not be taken for granted and requires our mathematical insight to discover.
Understanding about Baire Category Theorem
标签:addition union repr disco moment sed grant caff led