标签:线程等待 int 自旋 read boolean and bre off tran
public class HqaLock { private static final Unsafe unsafe = reflectGetUnsafe(); private static final long ownerOffset; /** * 锁是否被持有(1)是,(0)否 */ AtomicInteger state = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * 当前持有锁的线程 */ volatile Thread owner = new Thread(); /** * 线程等待池 */ private Queue<Thread> waitQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); /** * 重入次数 */ AtomicInteger reentrantCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private static Unsafe reflectGetUnsafe() { try { Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); field.setAccessible(true); return (Unsafe) field.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } static { try { ownerOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset (HqaLock.class.getDeclaredField("owner")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } public void lock(){ //未被持有则直接获取锁 if (state.get() == 0){ //自旋cas改变锁状态 for(;;){ boolean b = state.compareAndSet(0,1); if (b == true){ unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this,ownerOffset,owner,Thread.currentThread()); owner = Thread.currentThread(); reentrantCount.set(1); break; } } }else {//已经被持有 //持有锁的线程是是自己 if (unsafe.getObject(owner,ownerOffset) == Thread.currentThread()){ reentrantCount.getAndAdd(1); }else { waitQueue.add(Thread.currentThread()); //持有锁的线程不是自己 while (true){ //阻塞休眠 LockSupport.park(); //如果锁被持有者释放了 if (state.get() == 0){ owner = Thread.currentThread(); state.set(1); break; } } } } } public void unlock() throws Exception { if (unsafe.getObject(this,ownerOffset) != Thread.currentThread()){ throw new Exception("该线程未持有锁"); } //重入次数减1 reentrantCount.getAndDecrement(); //直到重入锁全部解开的才能真正的解锁 if (reentrantCount.get() == 0){ state.set(0); Thread head = waitQueue.peek(); LockSupport.unpark(head); } } }
标签:线程等待 int 自旋 read boolean and bre off tran