和上一节QT Demo 之 text一样,imageelements的入口也是一个LauncherList,然后添加了5个子example,下面我就针对每一个子example进行详细分析。
Rectangle { id: page width: 320 height: 480 BorderImageSelector {...} Flickable {...} }
Item { id: selector property int curIdx: 0 property int maxIdx: 3 property int gridWidth: 240 property Flickable flickable width: parent.width height: 64 function advance(steps) {...} Image {...} Image {...} Repeater {...} }两个左右的按钮,使用的是同一张图片,只不过一个做了镜像;
Image { source: "arrow.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: selector.advance(-1) } anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 8 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter opacity: selector.curIdx == 0 ? 0.2 : 1.0 Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation{}} } Image { source: "arrow.png" mirror: true MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: selector.advance(1) } opacity: selector.curIdx == selector.maxIdx ? 0.2 : 1.0 Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation{}} anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 8 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }advance()函数,则是通过改变curIdx的值影响两个Image以及Repeater的显示效果,通过改变flickable.contentX的值,改变外面的Flickable显示效果:
function advance(steps) { var nextIdx = curIdx + steps if (nextIdx < 0 || nextIdx > maxIdx) return; flickable.contentX += gridWidth * steps; curIdx += steps; }最后的Repeater则是通过给定的数据([ "Scale", "Repeat", "Scale/Repeat", "Round" ]),按照指定的方式(delegate属性描述)进行多个item的显示,这里分别是设定了text的x座标以及透明度参数:
Repeater { model: [ "Scale", "Repeat", "Scale/Repeat", "Round" ] delegate: Text { text: model.modelData anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter x: (index - selector.curIdx) * 80 + 140 Behavior on x { NumberAnimation{} } opacity: selector.curIdx == index ? 1.0 : 0.0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation{} } } }注:在BorderImageSelector.qml中多次使用了类似下面的的动画效果:
Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation{}}
Flickable { id: mainFlickable width: parent.width anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.top: selector.bottom interactive: false //Animated through selector control contentX: -120 Behavior on contentX { NumberAnimation {}} contentWidth: 1030 contentHeight: 420 Grid {...} }注1:contentHeight的值是420,大小和整体的高度(480)减去导航条的高度(64)差不多,而contentWidth的值是1030,大概是整体宽度(320)的3倍多;
注2:在运行的程序中,我们发现无法使用鼠标进行水平方向的拖动,这与Flickable的特性冲突。这里的诀窍就是interactive: false属性,如注释中所说,该Flickable通过selector来控制
Grid { anchors.centerIn: parent; spacing: 20 MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} MyBorderImage {} }Grid的宽度和父元素的宽度一致,各个MyBorderImage元素之间的间距是20
Item { id: container property alias horizontalMode: image.horizontalTileMode property alias verticalMode: image.verticalTileMode property alias source: image.source property int minWidth property int minHeight property int maxWidth property int maxHeight property int margin width: 240; height: 200 BorderImage {...} }从MyBorderImage的代码中可以看出,一个MyBorderImage包含:最大/最小宽度、最大/最小高度、外边距,以及水平/垂直拉伸/平铺模式和图片的数据源,而调用出的代码也是分别设置不同的属性来演示不同的拉伸/平铺效果。
BorderImage { id: image; anchors.centerIn: parent SequentialAnimation on width {} SequentialAnimation on height {} border.top: container.margin border.left: container.margin border.bottom: container.margin border.right: container.margin }
The BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border.
The BorderImage element is used to create borders out of images by scaling or tiling parts of each image.
A BorderImage element breaks a source image, specified using the url property, into 9 regions, as shown below:
When the image is scaled, regions of the source image are scaled or tiled to create the displayed border image in the following way:
SequentialAnimation on width { loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { from: container.minWidth; to: container.maxWidth duration: 2000; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { from: container.maxWidth; to: container.minWidth duration: 2000; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }上述动画的意思是,在2s的时间内,BorderImage的width从minWidth变到maxWidth,然后再使用2s的时间变回来。即完整的演示BorderImage改变拉伸/平铺的具体过程,而在height上的动画效果和在width上的类似,此处不再展开。
Rectangle { width: 320 height: 480 Grid { property int cellWidth: (width - (spacing * (columns - 1))) / columns property int cellHeight: (height - (spacing * (rows - 1))) / rows anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 30 columns: 2 rows: 3 spacing: 30 ImageCell { mode: Image.Stretch; caption: "Stretch" } ImageCell { mode: Image.PreserveAspectFit; caption: "PreserveAspectFit" } ImageCell { mode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop; caption: "PreserveAspectCrop" } ImageCell { mode: Image.Tile; caption: "Tile" } ImageCell { mode: Image.TileHorizontally; caption: "TileHorizontally" } ImageCell { mode: Image.TileVertically; caption: "TileVertically" } } }上面的cellWidth和cellHeight是通过设置的columns、rows和spacing来计算出来的,即Grid中每一个Item的大小,其值用于ImageCell的width和height中;而columns、rows和spacing则是Grid的属性变量。
Item { property alias mode: image.fillMode property alias caption: captionItem.text width: parent.cellWidth; height: parent.cellHeight Image { id: image width: parent.width; height: parent.height - captionItem.height source: "qt-logo.png" clip: true // only makes a difference if mode is PreserveAspectCrop } Text { id: captionItem anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } }从代码中可以看出,该ImageCell是由一个Image和一个Text组成,Image的fileMode和Text的text都是由外面的调用处指定,如:
ImageCell { mode: Image.Stretch; caption: "Stretch" } ImageCell { mode: Image.PreserveAspectFit; caption: "PreserveAspectFit" } ImageCell { mode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop; caption: "PreserveAspectCrop" }Image的fillMode属性是一个枚举变量,支持以下数值:
//! [shadow] BorderImage { anchors.fill: rectangle anchors { leftMargin: -6; topMargin: -6; rightMargin: -8; bottomMargin: -8 } border { left: 10; top: 10; right: 10; bottom: 10 } source: "shadow.png" } //! [shadow]因为这个示例中没有什么新鲜知识,不再详述。
Item { width: 320 height: 480 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "white" } //! [sprite] AnimatedSprite {...} //! [sprite] MouseArea {...} }
AnimatedSprite provides rendering and control over animations which are provided as multiple frames in the same image file. You can play it at a fixed speed, at the frame rate of your display, or manually advance and control the progress..
//! [sprite] AnimatedSprite { id: sprite width: 170 height: 170 anchors.centerIn: parent source: "content/speaker.png" frameCount: 60 frameSync: true frameWidth: 170 frameHeight: 170 loops: 3 } //! [sprite]通过查看sourece指定的content/speaker.png图片,我们可以看到其长宽分别为850*2040,对应与上面的frameWidth和frameHeight都是170,正好是5*12即frameCount的值。
If true, then the animation will have no duration. Instead, the animation will advance one frame each time a frame is rendered to the screen. This synchronizes it with the painting rate as opposed to elapsed time.
对于the animation will advance one frame each time a frame is rendered to the screen比较好理解,就是一帧渲染后紧接这渲染下一帧;但是对于This synchronizes it with the painting rate as opposed to elapsed time这句话就完全高度不懂了,正所谓,每个单词的意思都懂,但是连在一起就不知道要表达什么了。大概的意思,我理解的是绘画的速度是相对于渲染速度,而不是按照时间,也就是说如果CPU计算能力强,那么就显示的时间短,如果CPU云算能力太烂,那就慢慢渲染吧。
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onClicked: { if (!sprite.running) sprite.start(); if (!sprite.paused) sprite.pause(); if ( mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton ) { sprite.advance(1); } else { sprite.advance(-1); } } }
onClicked: { if ( mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton ) { sprite.reverse = false; sprite.restart(); } else { sprite.reverse = true; sprite.restart(); } }
Item { width: 320 height: 480 MouseArea {...} //! [animation] SequentialAnimation {...} //! [animation] SpriteSequence {...} }其中SpriteSequence和上一个示例中学到的AnimatedSprite都是属于QML Types中的Visual Types,但是它和AnimatedSprite的使用上有非常大的差异。
SpriteSequence renders and controls a list of animations defined by Sprite types.
SpriteSequence { id: image width: 256 height: 256 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter interpolate: false goalSprite: "" //! [still] Sprite{} //! [still] Sprite{} Sprite{} Sprite{} Sprite{} }其中,interpolate参数指定了在进行动画渲染时不需要进行插值处理(如果设置为true,实际效果并不好,此处是希望完全按照Sprite的方式进行动画演示),goalSprite属性设置为空,但是在SequentialAnimation中会改变其值。
Sprite{ name: "still" source: "content/BearSheet.png" frameCount: 1 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 100 to: {"still":1, "blink":0.1, "floating":0} }第二个Sprite,frameCount是3,frameX和frameY分别是256和1536,那么就是图片中的最后三帧:
Sprite{ name: "blink" source: "content/BearSheet.png" frameCount: 3 frameX: 256 frameY: 1536 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 100 to: {"still":1} }除了frameCount、frameX和frameY这三个参数,还有两个参数需要重点关心:
to:这个字段表示了当前Sprite动画完成后,下一个进行的Sprite。blink的to字段只有still,则blink动画完成后肯定会显示still动画,但是still的to字段是{"still":1, "blink":0.1, "floating":0},则表明有10/11的概率会继续显示still,而只有1/11的概率才会显示blink,这两个Sprite配合起来的效果就是小熊半天才会眨一次眼,但是眨眼的动画会很快,而且因为这两个的Sprite的to字段没有跳出他们两个,那么如果没有外界触发,则会一直显示这两个动画。
Sprite{ name: "floating" source: "content/BearSheet.png" frameCount: 9 frameX: 0 frameY: 0 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 160 to: {"still":0, "flailing":1} }第四个Sprite,名称是flailing,意思是挥舞,结合frameX和frameY分别是0和768,frameCount是8,则是下述的几帧动画:
Sprite{ name: "flailing" source: "content/BearSheet.png" frameCount: 8 frameX: 0 frameY: 768 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 160 to: {"falling":1} }最后一个Sprite,其名称是falling,意思是下落,结合frameX和frameY分别是0和1280,frameCount是5,则是下述的几帧动画:
Sprite{ name: "falling" source: "content/BearSheet.png" frameCount: 5 frameY: 1280 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 160 to: {"falling":1} }在了解了每一个Sprite的具体图像和意义后,我们需要仔细分析一下他们的to字段,它们之间的关系可以用下图描述:
MouseArea { onClicked: anim.start(); anchors.fill: parent } //! [animation] SequentialAnimation { id: anim ScriptAction { script: image.goalSprite = "falling"; } NumberAnimation { target: image; property: "y"; to: 480; duration: 12000; } ScriptAction { script: {image.goalSprite = ""; image.jumpTo("still");} } PropertyAction { target: image; property: "y"; value: 0 } } //! [animation]从代码中可以看到,鼠标的点击事件触发了anim动画的开始,而anim动画是一个SequentialAnimation的动画,从名字上也可以看出在这个动画中的的子动画一个个的顺序执行,如官方说明的一般“Animations defined in a SequentialAnimation are run one after the other”。