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SD-EWAN debug

时间:2020-11-07 16:21:02      阅读:18      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:policy   app   roc   clear   pat   clust   etc   上海   iges   


五角大楼都要采用了。Aruba Bumps Cisco From the Pentagon 


Aruba Networks swept the last remaining vestiges of Cisco’s switching gear from the Pentagon building as part of a Department of Defense modernization effort announced today.

The deal will see Aruba deploy its Edge Services Platform (ESP) architecture to automate the network, eliminating time consuming and often tedious processes such as port mapping and initial switch configuration. Aruba ESP is targeted at campuses, data centers, branches, and remote workers, but it only supports Aruba’s access points (APs), switches, and SD-WAN gateways.

The vendor’s Access Switches will replace existing Cisco switching gear that has reached end of life. The deployment will include more than 150,000 wired ports, distributed across the 6.5 million-square-foot facility. Alongside wired infrastructure, the DoD plans to deploy 3,000 additional Aruba APs to further extend wireless access throughout the campus.

While Aruba ESP can be operated in the cloud, on-site, or as a managed service through one of Aruba’s partners, the DoD will be using Aruba’s ClearPass Policy Manager to orchestrate the networking overhaul. Initially the platform will be used to manage Aruba’s switches to secure access controls across the network. However, Aruba notes that the DoD could extend these controls to its APs, unifying both wired and wireless networks.


SD-EWAN(GitHub) means software define edge WAN, it is used to address the network between multi edge clusters or between edge and internet.

这是intel cloud上海团队作为主力,开发的一个项目。基于openwrt的。

openness 项目在集成,集成过程中遇到很多问题,需要debug,在这里把问题都记录一下。


sdewan depends on ovn3nfv

please follow this way to setup ovn cni: https://github.com/opnfv/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/blob/master/doc/how-to-use.md#testing-with-cni-proxy

check the cluster info

kubectl get node

check CNI config

usally we use mutus to support multi inferface,this command to check the config

cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | jq .
# same command
cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | python -m json.tool

check the cni config by this command 

# for calico
cat  /etc/cni/net.d/*calico.conflist* 
# for flannel
cat /etc/cni/net.d/*flannel.conflist
# for other
cat /etc/cni/net.d/*network*

check CNF run correctly 

Split string by delimiter and get N-th element,  Kubernetes API - gets Pods on specific nodes,  Get all worker nodes

kubectl get deployment sdewan-cnf

# get  the last master 
MASTER=`kubectl get node --selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/master  -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name |tail -1`
# get the last worker, if No worker it will be NAME
WORKER=`kubectl get node --selector=!node-role.kubernetes.io/master  -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name |tail -1`
=`kubectl get pod -A -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=$PODNODE|grep sdewan-cnf | head -n 1` NS="$(cut -d‘ ‘ -f1 <<< $SDEWANCNF)" POD=$(awk -F" " {print $2} <<< $SDEWANCNF) # check interface kubectl -n $NS exec -it $POD -- ifconfig # check interface kubectl -n $NS describe pod $POD # get inferfaces annotation kubectl -n $NS get pod $POD -o=jsonpath={.metadata.annotations}

OVN check

There are 4 componnets for ovn4vnf, ovn-control-plan/ovn-controller/nfn-operator/nfn-agent.

Both ovn-control-plan and nfn-operator are on master. ovn-control-plan and nfn-agent are on worker

There are 4 componnets for ovn4vnf, ovn-control-plan/ovn-controller/nfn-operator/nfn-agent.


SD-EWAN debug

标签:policy   app   roc   clear   pat   clust   etc   上海   iges   


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