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Tech road one step 7-Noc to 13-Nov

时间:2020-11-07 16:51:15      阅读:24      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:sync   comm   jvm   framework   ram   domain   actor   hit   tor   


1. Architecture

  1. <Java Application architecture> modular, Spring context config
  2. <EIS> technology decision, base eis-platform-brms
  3. <MS PPP> chapter 2 
  4. <DDD> domain, context

2. Design pattern

  1. Bob-ppp chapter 18-19
  2. DP reciple factory 系列
  3. Spring Ioc wired 《Pro spring5》 Chapter 4

3.Framework tech

  1. <Pro spring5><Spring boot2> EIS MQ
  2. EIS jackson/Gson data serialize
  3. <rabbit in action> chapter2
  4. <rabbitmq in depth> chapter7 cluster
  5. JqueryGrid dataGrid process

4.framework important

  1. spring AOP
  2. spring transaction
  3. spring remote communication.

5. important domain

  1. JVM 
  2. Java async
  3. Java Stream, Option
  4. Java concurrency
  5. Multiple compution

Tech road one step 7-Noc to 13-Nov

标签:sync   comm   jvm   framework   ram   domain   actor   hit   tor   


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