Speedcell and Shoutmon love triangles very much.One day,they are playing a game named “Triangle Counting”.
In this game,Speedcell draws a round,and draws N points on the circumference of the round evenly,and marks them as 1,2,...,N.
Then Speedcell connects these points using the following rules:
Step 1: Connect the first point with the third point,and connect the third point with the 5th point,...,connect the ith point with the
(i+2)th point(cycling when needed)......It can’t be stopped until we get back to the first point.
Step 2: If there exists some points which don’t be connected still,choose one of them(if marked “i”),and connect it with the
(i+2)th point,then the (i+4)th point as Step1.......If we get back to the ith point,Step 2 will be stopped.
Step 3: Connect all the points as the order 1,2,...,N,1.
Now Speedcell wants to let Shoutmon count the number of triangles on the figure.
The first line of input contains T (T≤1000),indicating the number of cases.
Then T lines follow.Each line an integer N(1<=N<=1000),indicating the number of points.
Each case a line,and output the case number first,then a single integer,indicating the number of triangles.
The answer should be moduloed by 20121111.
3 1 4 6
Case #1: 0 Case #2: 8 Case #3: 32
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int mod = 20121111; int main() { int n,cas = 1,t,ans; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d",&n); if(n<3) ans = 0; else if(n == 3) ans = 1; else if(n == 4) ans = 8; else if(n == 5) ans = 35; else if(n == 6) ans = 32; else ans = 5*n; printf("Case #%d: %d\n",cas++,ans%mod); } return 0; }
ACdream1008:A Very Easy Triangle Counting Game,布布扣,bubuko.com
ACdream1008:A Very Easy Triangle Counting Game