Editing |
1 |
Ctrl + Space |
Basic code completion (the name of any class,
method or variable) |
基本代码补全,输入字母按后列出匹配的词组 |
2 |
Ctrl + Shift + Space |
Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) |
智能代码补全,列出与预期类型一致的方法或变量 |
3 |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Complete statement |
补全语句 |
4 |
Ctrl + P |
Parameter info (within method call arguments) |
显示方法参数 |
666 |
5 |
Ctrl + Q |
Quick documentation lookup |
显示类、方法、注释文档和包 |
666 |
6 |
Shift + F1 |
External Doc |
显示外部文档 |
7 |
Ctrl +hover |
Brief Info |
显示类、方法信息 |
666 |
8 |
Ctrl + F1 |
Show descriptions of error or warning at caret |
显示提示、警告、错误等信息_18 |
9 |
Alt + Insert |
Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString) |
生成代码,生成 Getter、Setter、构造器等 |
10 |
Ctrl + O |
Override methods |
重写父类方法 |
11 |
Ctrl + I |
Implement methods |
实现接口方法 |
12 |
Ctrl + Alt + T |
Surround with…(if..else,try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.) |
使用(if…else, try…catch, for, synchronized 等)包围选中语句 |
13 |
Ctrl + / |
Comment/uncomment with line comment |
使用“//”注释或取消注释 |
14 |
Ctrl + Shift + / |
Comment/uncomment with block comment |
使用“/ ** ** /”注释或取消注释 |
15 |
Ctrl + W |
Select successively increasing code blocks |
选择代码块,连续按会增加选择外层的代码块 |
16 |
Ctrl + Shift + W |
Decrease current selection to previous state |
与“Ctrl+W”相反,减少选择代码块 |
17 |
Alt + Q |
Context info |
上下文信息 |
666 |
18 |
Alt + Enter |
Show intention actions and quick-fixes |
显示快速修复列表_18 |
19 |
Ctrl + Alt + L |
Reformat code |
格式化代码 |
20 |
Ctrl + Alt + O |
Optimize imports |
优化 Imports |
21 |
Ctrl + Alt + I |
Auto-indent line(s) |
自动优化代码缩进 |
22 |
Tab / Shift + Tab |
Indent/unindent selected lines |
缩进代码/取消缩进代码 |
23 |
Ctrl+X |
Cut current line or selected block to clipboard |
剪切代码,未选择代码时剪切当前行 |
24 |
Ctrl+C |
Copy current line or selected block to clipboard |
复制代码,未选择代码时复制当前行 |
25 |
Ctrl+V |
Paste from clipboard |
粘贴代码 |
26 |
Ctrl+Shift + V |
Paste from recent buffers... |
粘贴最近复制的内容 |
27 |
Ctrl+D |
Duplicate current line or selected block |
重复代码,未选择代码时重复当前行 |
28 |
Ctrl+Y |
Delete line at caret |
删除行,未选择时删除当前行 |
29 |
Ctrl+Shift + J |
Smart line join |
合并多行为一行 |
30 |
Ctrl+Enter |
Smart line split |
分割一行为多行 |
31 |
Shift + Enter |
Start new line |
使光标所在位置的下一行为新行 |
32 |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
Toggle case for word at caret or selected block |
对选中内容进行大小写切换 |
33 |
Ctrl + Shift + ]/[ |
Select till code block end/start |
选中到代码块的开始/结束 |
777 |
34 |
Ctrl + Delete/Backspace |
Delete to word end/start |
删除从光标所在位置到单词结束/起始位置的字符 |
35 |
Ctrl + NumPad+/- |
Expand/collapse code block |
展开或收起代码块 |
36 |
Ctrl + Shift+NumPad+ |
Expand all |
展开所有代码块_37 |
37 |
Ctrl + Shift+NumPad- |
Collapse all |
收起所有代码块_37 |
38 |
Ctrl + F4 |
Close active editor tab |
关闭当前编辑页 |