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文献学习-sharpSAT – Counting Models with Advanced Component Caching and Implicit BCP

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sharpSAT – Counting Models with Advanced Component Caching and Implicit BCP

Thurley M. (2006) sharpSAT – Counting Models with Advanced Component Caching and Implicit BCP. In: Biere A., Gomes C.P. (eds) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2006. SAT 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4121. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/11814948_38



  We introduce sharpSAT, a new #SAT solver that is based on the well known DPLL algorithm and techniques from SAT and #SAT solvers. Most importantly, we introduce an entirely new approach of coding components, which reduces the cache size by at least one order of magnitude, and a new cache management scheme. Furthermore, we apply a well known look ahead based on BCP in a manner that is well suited for #SAT solving. We show that these techniques are highly beneficial, especially on large structured instances, such that our solver performs significantly better than other #SAT solvers.


Conjunctive Normal Form   Cache Size   Unit Clause   Bound Model Check    Branch Variable


文献学习-sharpSAT – Counting Models with Advanced Component Caching and Implicit BCP

标签:efi   mos   class   app   rms   ast   unit   key   mes   


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