标签:col card ice inf net list sig div inner
let fieldStr = ` DENSE_RANK() OVER(order by W.wayBillCode) as 序号, W.expressCode as ‘分运单号‘, CASE WHEN P.CIQNameCn IS NULL THEN K.ProductName ELSE P.CIQNameCn END AS ‘货物品名‘, CASE WHEN P.BrandName IS NULL THEN K.BrandName ELSE P.BrandName END AS ‘品牌‘, 1 AS ‘件数‘, (Case when P.TypeName = ‘奶粉‘ THEN(L.QuantityOrder * 1.2) ELSE(CASE WHEN P.Weight IS NULL THEN K.Weight ELSE P.Weight end) * L.QuantityOrder END) AS ‘毛重(提单重量)‘, (L.QuantityOrder * 1.2) - 0.1 AS ‘净重(实际重量)‘, (CASE WHEN P.TypeName = ‘鞋靴‘ THEN(P.DeclareQuantityOrder * L.QuantityOrder) WHEN P.TypeName = ‘奶粉‘ THEN((CASE WHEN P.NetWeight IS NULL THEN K.NetWeight ELSE P.NetWeight end) * L.QuantityOrder) ELSE(L.QuantityOrder) END) AS ‘数量‘, L.QuantityOrder as ‘实际数量‘, CASE WHEN P.DeclareUnit IS NULL THEN K.DeclareUnit ELSE P.DeclareUnit END AS ‘单位‘, ‘RMB‘ AS ‘货币编码‘, P.DeclarePrice as ‘单价‘, CASE WHEN P.PostMailCode IS NULL THEN K.PostMailCode ELSE P.PostMailCode END AS ‘个人完税税号‘, CASE WHEN P.ProductSpec IS NULL THEN K.ProductSpec ELSE P.ProductSpec END AS ‘型号‘, ‘601‘ AS ‘国别代码‘, ‘澳大利亚‘ AS ‘原产国‘, CASE WHEN P.HSCode IS NULL THEN K.HSCode ELSE P.HSCode END AS ‘HS编码‘, W.ConsigneeIdcard as ‘收件人ID‘, W.consigneeName as ‘收件人‘, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE( W.consigneeAddress,‘中国‘,‘‘),‘北京市北京市‘,‘北京市‘),‘上海市上海市‘,‘上海市‘),‘天津市天津市‘,‘天津市‘),‘重庆市重庆市‘,‘重庆市‘) as ‘地址‘, W.consigneeMobile as ‘收件人电话‘, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( W.provinceName,‘省‘,‘‘),‘市‘,‘‘),‘维吾尔自治区‘,‘‘),‘特别行政区‘,‘‘),‘壮族自治区‘,‘‘),‘回族自治区‘,‘‘),‘中国‘,‘‘),‘自治区‘,‘‘) AS ‘TO‘, W.expressCode as ‘落地配单号‘, ‘AUOD PTY LTD‘ as ‘寄件人公司‘, ‘AUOD‘ AS ‘寄件人‘, ‘auburn‘ AS ‘寄件人地址‘, ‘0061287103969‘ AS ‘寄件人电话‘, ‘SYD‘ AS ‘FROM‘, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( W.provinceName,‘省‘,‘‘),‘市‘,‘‘),‘维吾尔自治区‘,‘‘),‘特别行政区‘,‘‘),‘壮族自治区‘,‘‘),‘回族自治区‘,‘‘),‘中国‘,‘‘),‘自治区‘,‘‘) as ‘货主城市‘`; let fields = fieldStr.split(","); where.portName = "福州口岸"; let wayBillBgList: Array<any> = await this.dbRead .createQueryBuilder(TMSWayBill, "W") .select(fields) .innerJoin("TMSWayBillList", "L", "W.wayBill_Id = L.wayBill_Id") .leftJoin("BaseProductInfo", "K", "L.product_Id = K.product_Id") .leftJoin("TMSProductInfoPort", "P", "L.product_Id = P.product_Id And W.port_Id=P.port_Id") .where(where) .take(5000) .andWhere("W.portName = ‘福州口岸‘ AND W.port_Id = 5") .getRawMany();
标签:col card ice inf net list sig div inner