标签:name for ast class pve ips mat sed tor
import numpy as np import nvector as nv # 基于 geopandas 取 postgis数据 sql = ‘SELECT * FROM node_table‘ g_out = gpd.read_postgis(sql=sql, con=pgisCon, geom_col="geom") values = g_out.values sql = ‘SELECT geom FROM node_table WHERE ST_DWithin(geom, \‘POINT(116.3211279 39.984223)\‘, 0.002)‘ g_out2 = gpd.read_postgis(sql=sql, con=pgisCon, geom_col="geom") point_ndarray = g_out2.values point = point_ndarray[0, 0] lon = point.x lat = point.y # 求两点的方位角 wgs84 = nv.FrameE(name=‘WGS84‘) pointA = wgs84.GeoPoint(latitude=39.984323, longitude=116.3211279, z=200, degrees=True) pointB = wgs84.GeoPoint(latitude=39.984223, longitude=116.3211279, z=200, degrees=True) # Step1: Find p_AB_N (delta decomposed in N) p_AB_N = pointA.delta_to(pointB) # x, y, z = p_AB_N.pvector.ravel() # valtxt = ‘{0:8.2f}, {1:8.2f}, {2:8.2f}‘.format(x, y, z) # print(‘Ex1: delta north, east, down = {}‘.format(valtxt)) # Step2: Also find the direction (azimuth) to B, relative to north azimuth = p_AB_N.azimuth_deg print(‘azimuth = {0:4.2f} deg‘.format(azimuth)) # 求两点的球面距离和欧氏距离 wgs84 = nv.FrameE(name=‘WGS84‘) point1 = wgs84.GeoPoint(latitude=39.984323, longitude=116.3211279, degrees=True) point2 = wgs84.GeoPoint(latitude=39.984223, longitude=116.3211279, degrees=True) s_12, _azi1, _azi2 = point1.distance_and_azimuth(point2) p_12_E = point2.to_ecef_vector() - point1.to_ecef_vector() d_12 = p_12_E.length msg = ‘Ellipsoidal and Euclidean distance = {:5.2f} km, {:5.2f} km‘.format(s_12 / 1000, d_12 / 1000) print(msg)
基于 geopandas 读取 postgis数据 + 求地球两点的方位角-球面距离-欧氏距离
标签:name for ast class pve ips mat sed tor