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PAT 1003 Emergency

时间:2021-04-12 12:45:28      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:+=   temp   问题   bsp   stream   max   c++   多个   存储   





为了满足题目的要求,得到最短路径的数目以及最多能征兆多少消防队员,此时需要在每个节点处都引入一个数组,存储每个节点到达起始点的最短路径数量以及最多可以征兆的消防队员数量,这个数组在初始节点最短路径为1,消防队员数目就是本地的消防队员数目,其他节点都是0。然后在Dijkstra算法更新未访问集合U中剩下的节点B到初始点距离的阶段也同时更新这个数组,具体更新该数组的过程分为两种情况:1.当A到起始点的距离加上A到B的距离小于B到起始点的距离时,B到起始点的距离更新为A到起始点的距离加上A到B的距离,同时更新后的B到起始点的最短路径数目等于A到起始点的最短路径数目,更新后的B到起始点最多可以征兆到的消防队员数目等于A到起始点最多可以征兆到的队员加上B点处驻扎的消防队员数;2.当A到起始点的距离加上A到B的距离等于B到起始点的距离时,B到起始点的距离不需要更新,但是B到起始点的最短路径数目和最多可征兆到的消防队员数目需要更新,更新后的B到起始点的最短路径数目等于更新前的B到起始点的最短路径数目加上A到起始点的最短路径数目(因为这两种路径距离相等),同时更新后的B到起始点最多可以征兆到的消防队员数目取 更新前B到起始点最多可以征兆到的消防队员数目 和 A到起始点最多可以征兆到的消防队员加上B点处驻扎的消防队员数 两者的最大值。


  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<tuple>
  3 #include<string.h>
  4 #define INFINITY 65536
  6 using namespace std;
  8 class Map {
  9 private:
 10     const int N;        //the number of cities 
 11     const int M;        //the number of roads
 12     int* rescueTeam;    //store the number of rescure teams int each city
 13     int* index;            //store index that indicates a city is whether included or not
 14     int** adjacentArray;        //adjacent array
 15     int** store;                //store the number of shortest path and maximum teams
 16 public:
 17     Map(int N, int M):N(N),M(M) {        //对const类型的变量赋值必须在初始化列表中完成
 18         this->rescueTeam = new int[this->N]{ 0 };
 19         this->index = new int[this->N]{ 0 };
 20         this->adjacentArray = new int*[this->N];        //这样赋值,M必须为const?NO, 不用const也可以
 21         this->store = new int*[this->N];
 22         for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
 23             this->adjacentArray[i] = new int[this->N];
 24             this->store[i] = new int[2]{ 0 };
 25         }
 26         for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
 27             for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
 28                 this->adjacentArray[i][j] = INFINITY;        //注意memset只能初始化为0或者-1
 29             }
 30             this->adjacentArray[i][i] = 0;
 31         }
 32     }
 33     int max(int a, int b) {
 34         return a > b ? a : b;
 35     }
 36     int getM() {
 37         return this->M;
 38     }
 39     int getN() {
 40         return this->N;
 41     }
 42     void setIndex(int i) {
 43         this->index[i] = 1;
 44     }
 45     int getIndex(int i) {
 46         return this->index[i];
 47     }
 48     void setRescureTeam(int position, int number) {
 49         this->rescueTeam[position] = number;
 50     }
 51     int getRescureTeam(int position) {
 52         return this->rescueTeam[position];
 53     }
 54     void setAdjacent(int array, int column, int value) {
 55         this->adjacentArray[array][column] = value;
 56         this->adjacentArray[column][array] = value;
 57     }
 58     int getAdjacent(int array, int column) {
 59         return this->adjacentArray[array][column];
 60     }
 61     std::tuple<int, int> dijkstra(int c1, int c2);
 62     ~Map() {
 63         for (int i = 0; i < this->getN(); i++) {
 64             delete[] this->adjacentArray[i];
 65             this->adjacentArray[i] = NULL;
 66         }
 67     }
 68 };
 70 std::tuple<int, int> Map::dijkstra(int c1, int c2) {
 71     this->store[c1][0] = 1;
 72     this->store[c1][1] = this->getRescureTeam(c1);
 73     int i, j, min, minIndex = 0;
 74     for (i = 0; i < this->getN(); i++) {        //最多迭代N次
 75         min = INFINITY;
 76         for (j = 0; j < this->getN(); j++) {    //找出未标记的节点集合中离c1最近的
 77             if (this->getAdjacent(c1,j) < min && this->getIndex(j) == 0) {
 78                 min = this->getAdjacent(c1, j);
 79                 minIndex = j;
 80             }
 81         }
 82         if (minIndex == c2)
 83             break;
 84         this->setIndex(minIndex);        //加上标记,进入标记集合
 85         for (j = 0; j < this->getN(); j++) {        //更新未标记集合中节点到c1的距离
 86             if (this->getIndex(j) || j == minIndex)
 87                 continue;
 88             //第一种情况,此时j到c1的最短路线数与minIndex相同
 89             if (this->getAdjacent(c1, j) > this->getAdjacent(c1, minIndex) + this->getAdjacent(minIndex, j)) {
 90                 this->setAdjacent(c1, j, this->getAdjacent(c1, minIndex) + this->getAdjacent(minIndex, j));
 91                 this->store[j][0] = this->store[minIndex][0];
 92                 this->store[j][1] = this->store[minIndex][1] + this->getRescureTeam(j);
 93             }
 94             //第二种情况,此时j到c1的最短路线数等于j到c1的路线加上minIndex的路线
 95             else if (this->getAdjacent(c1, j) != INFINITY && this->getAdjacent(c1, j) == this->getAdjacent(c1, minIndex) + this->getAdjacent(minIndex, j)) {
 96                 this->store[j][0] += this->store[minIndex][0];
 97                 this->store[j][1] = this->max(this->store[j][1], this->store[minIndex][1] + this->getRescureTeam(j));
 98             }
 99         }
100     }
101     return std::make_tuple(this->store[c2][0], this->store[c2][1]);
102 }
104 int main() {
105     int i, temp, tempC1, tempC2, M, N, c1, c2, number, max;
106     cin >> N >> M >> c1 >> c2;
107     Map map(N, M);
108     for (i = 0; i < map.getN(); i++) {
109         cin >> temp;
110         map.setRescureTeam(i, temp);
111     }
112     for (i = 0; i < map.getM(); i++) {
113         cin >> tempC1 >> tempC2 >> temp;
114         map.setAdjacent(tempC1, tempC2, temp);
115     }
116     tie(number, max) = map.dijkstra(c1, c2);
117     cout << number << " " << max;
118     return 0;
119 }


PAT 1003 Emergency

标签:+=   temp   问题   bsp   stream   max   c++   多个   存储   


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