标签:页面 sys system 总结 设计文档 cut exce Servle 驼峰
需求分析:从收费的起点到终点收费系统 时间:3minutes
设计文档:3个label 2个button 1个comboBox 时间:5minutes
设计复审:李娟娟复审 时间:20minutes
代码规范:使用驼峰式命名 时间:3minutes
具体设计: 输入两个数字得出正确的结果 时间 2minutes
具体编码如下: 时间:1.5taday
static int getNum(String name)
{String sql = "select xianluhao from aaa where name =‘" + name + "‘";Connection conn = DBUtil.getConn()
;Statement state = null;
ResultSet rs = null;int number=0;
rs = state.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs.next()) {number = rs.getInt("xianluhao");}} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
finally {DBUtil.close(rs, state, conn);}
return number;}
public static int getZhanhao(String name) {String sql = "select num from aaa where name =‘" + name + "‘";Connection conn = DBUtil.
getConn();Statement state = null;
ResultSet rs = null;int zhanhao=0;
return zhanhao;}
public static String getLine1(int zhanhao1,int zhanhao2)
{String line="";String sql = "select name from aaa where num between ‘"+zhanhao1+"‘ and ‘"+zhanhao2+"‘order by num ASC ";
Connection conn = DBUtil.getConn();
Statement state = null;
ResultSet rs = null;try {state = conn.createStatement();
rs = state.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs.next()) {String name=rs.getString("name");
line=line+"->"+name;} }
catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();
return line;}
public static String getLine2(int zhanhao1,int zhanhao2)
String line="";String sql = "select name from aaa where num between ‘"+zhanhao1+"‘ and ‘"+zhanhao2+"‘ order by num DESC ";
Connection conn = DBUtil.getConn();
Statement state = null;ResultSet rs = null;
rs = state.executeQuery(sql);
(rs.next()){String name=rs.getString("name");line=line+"->"+name;
} } {e.printStackTrace(); }
}return line;}}
package servlet;
if ("chaxun".equals(method)) {chaxun(req, resp);} }
private void chaxun(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, String zhong=req.getParameter("zhong");
int zhanhao1=dao.getZhanhao(qi);
int zhanhao2=dao.getZhanhao(zhong);
int number1=dao.getNum(qi);
int number2=dao.getNum(zhong);
{if(zhanhao1<zhanhao2){Stringline=dao.getLine1(zhanhao1, zhanhao2);req.setAttribute("line",line );
if(zhanhao1>zhanhao2){String line=dao.getLine2(zhanhao2, zhanhao1);
print(line);req.setAttribute("num",number1);req.setAttribute("line",line );req.getRequestDispatche
代码复审:在头脑里过一遍代码 时间:3minutes
测试:弹出的页面执行结果正确 时间:2minutes
测试报告:没有问题功能实现 时间:1minutes
计算工作量: 时间:2taday
标签:页面 sys system 总结 设计文档 cut exce Servle 驼峰