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标签:rabl   缺陷   stand   实施   强制   most   number   except   bond   


(1) with the development of sth. → due to the proliferation of sth.
proliferation /pr??l?f??re??n/ n. 增殖,扩散;分芽繁殖
(2) more and more → the number of sth. increases exponentially
→ the number of sth. has risen steeply
exponentially /?eksp??nen??li/ adv. 以指数方式
steeply /?sti?pli/ adv. 陡峭的;急促的;快速的;
(3) have a bad influence
have → exert/impose
exert /?ɡ?z??t/ v. 运用;行使
impose /?m?p??z/ v. 推行,采用;强制实施;迫使
bad → negative/devasting
negative /?neɡ?t?v/ adj. 不乐观;坏
devastating /?dev?ste?t??/ adj. 破坏性极大地;毁灭性的
influence → impact(巨大影响;冲击力)/effect(影响,结果)
(4) advantage → benefit/merit/virtue/strength
benefit/?ben?f?t/n. 利益,好处;救济金 vt. 有益于,对…有益
merit/?mer?t/ n.优点;美德;价值
virtue/?v??t?u?/n. 美德;优点;
strength/stre?kθ/n. 力量;力气;
(5) disadvantage →flaw/demerit/shortcoming/drawback/defect
flaw /fl??/ n. 瑕疵,缺点
demerit /di??mer?t/ n. 缺点,短处;过失
defect /d??fekt/ n. 缺点,缺陷;
(6) think → deem/claim/state/assert
deem /di?m/ vt. 认为,视作;相信
claim /kle?m/ v. 宣称;要求,索取
state /ste?t/ vt. 规定;声明;陈述 n.国家;州;情形
(7) improve → enhance/promote/boost
enhance /?n?hɑ?ns/ vt. 提高;加强;增加
boost /bu?st/ vt. 促进;增加;vi. 宣扬
(8) relax → loosen up/unwind
eg. I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles.
eg. Music helps me unwind after a busy day.
unwind /??n?wa?nd/ vt. 放松;解开;
(9) about → regarding/concerning
(10) change →change radically /change profoundly
→lead to momentous changes
radically /?r?d?kli/ adv. 根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式
profoundly /pr??fa?ndli/ adv. 深刻地;深深地;极度地
momentous /m??ment?s/ adj. 重要的;重大的
(11) bad → dreadful/adverse/negative/undesirable
dreadful /?dredfl/ adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的
adverse /?d?v??s/ adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的
undesirable /??nd??za??r?bl/ adj. 不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要的
(12) good → excellent/ superb / remarkable/ outstanding/ superior/
→tremendous/exceptional /marvellous
superb/ su??p??b/ adj. 极好的;华丽的;宏伟的
remarkable /r??mɑ?k?bl/ adj. 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的
outstanding adj. 杰出的;显著的;未解决的;未偿付的
superior / su??p??ri?(r)/ adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的
tremendous /tr??mend?s/ adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的
exceptionally /?k?sep??n?li/ adj. 异常的,例外
exceptional performance 非同一般的表现
marvellous /?mɑ?v?l?s/ adj. 不可思议的;惊人的
(13) big → considerable/massive/ vast/enormous/
gigantic /d?a??ɡ?nt?k/ adj. 巨大的,庞大的
(14) very → extremely/exceedingly/exceptionally
(15) hate → dislike/loathe/ detest /abhor
loathe /l??e/ vt. 讨厌,厌恶
detest /d??test/ vt. 厌恶;憎恨
abhor /?b?h??(r)/ vt. 痛恨,憎恶
(16) difficult → demanding adj.(工作)要求高的,费力的
→ laborious /l??b??ri?s/ adj. 艰苦的;费劲的;勤劳的
(17) make friends → enlarge social circle
→ expand network
→ forge friendship bond(建立友谊关系)
forge /f??d?/ v. 建立,锻造,铸造
bond /b?nd/ n.债券;约定;粘合剂;纽带,关系
→improve interpersonal relationship(改善人际关系)
(18) encourage → motivate/stimulate/inspire/spur
spur /sp??(r)/ v. 激励;促进;
(19) a lot of →plenty of / a large quantity of
(20) all kinds of →diverse(adj.)/various/a vast variety of
→a wide range of
(21) first → to begin with/for starters/first off/first and foremost
(22) second →moreover/furthermore/in addition/what’s more/
→in the second place/in the next place
(23) Last but not least / lastly /eventually

(24) way → approach / method / means
way to do /of doing
approach to +n.
method of doing sth.
means of doing sth.
(25) reveal(v.) /demonstrate(v.) /indicate (表明)
(26) however → nonetheless/nevertheless
(27) so →hence /thus
eg.We suspect they are trying to hide something, hence the need for an independent inquiry.
eg.As we age, the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.
(28) important → vital /?va?tl/ / crucial /essential / critical
(28) As is known to all …
(29) There is no doubt /denying that …
(30) It is evident that…


标签:rabl   缺陷   stand   实施   强制   most   number   except   bond   


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