标签:loading ace style server too rgba nodetype eve global
从第一个方法开始,来到ReactDOMLegacy.js的render方法,其中最主要调用了 legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer 方法,进入到该方法内部.
function legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer(container, forceHydrate) { var shouldHydrate = forceHydrate || shouldHydrateDueToLegacyHeuristic(container); // First clear any existing content. if (!shouldHydrate) { var warned = false; var rootSibling; while (rootSibling = container.lastChild) { { if (!warned && rootSibling.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && rootSibling.hasAttribute(ROOT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) { warned = true; error(‘render(): Target node has markup rendered by React, but there ‘ + ‘are unrelated nodes as well. This is most commonly caused by ‘ + ‘white-space inserted around server-rendered markup.‘); } } container.removeChild(rootSibling); } } { if (shouldHydrate && !forceHydrate && !warnedAboutHydrateAPI) { warnedAboutHydrateAPI = true; warn(‘render(): Calling ReactDOM.render() to hydrate server-rendered markup ‘ + ‘will stop working in React v18. Replace the ReactDOM.render() call ‘ + ‘with ReactDOM.hydrate() if you want React to attach to the server HTML.‘); } } return createLegacyRoot(container, shouldHydrate ? { hydrate: true } : undefined); }
function FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate) { this.tag = tag; this.containerInfo = containerInfo; this.pendingChildren = null; this.current = null; this.pingCache = null; this.finishedWork = null; this.timeoutHandle = noTimeout; this.context = null; this.pendingContext = null; this.hydrate = hydrate; this.callbackNode = null; this.callbackPriority = NoLanePriority; this.eventTimes = createLaneMap(NoLanes); this.expirationTimes = createLaneMap(NoTimestamp); this.pendingLanes = NoLanes; this.suspendedLanes = NoLanes; this.pingedLanes = NoLanes; this.expiredLanes = NoLanes; this.mutableReadLanes = NoLanes; this.finishedLanes = NoLanes; this.entangledLanes = NoLanes; this.entanglements = createLaneMap(NoLanes); { this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null; } { this.interactionThreadID = unstable_getThreadID(); this.memoizedInteractions = new Set(); this.pendingInteractionMap = new Map(); } { switch (tag) { case BlockingRoot: this._debugRootType = ‘createBlockingRoot()‘; break; case ConcurrentRoot: this._debugRootType = ‘createRoot()‘; break; case LegacyRoot: this._debugRootType = ‘createLegacyRoot()‘; break; } } }
function getPublicRootInstance(container) { var containerFiber = container.current; if (!containerFiber.child) { return null; } switch (containerFiber.child.tag) { case HostComponent: //HostComponent和default返回的同样的东西,因为,getPublicInstance直接返回了传入的参数
return getPublicInstance(containerFiber.child.stateNode);
return containerFiber.child.stateNode;
} }
function updateContainer(element, container, parentComponent, callback) { { onScheduleRoot(container, element); } var current$1 = container.current; // React按照事件的紧急程度,把它们划分成三个等级: // 离散事件(DiscreteEvent):click、keydown、focusin等,这些事件的触发不是连续的,优先级为0。 // 用户阻塞事件(UserBlockingEvent):drag、scroll、mouseover等,特点是连续触发,阻塞渲染,优先级为1。 // 连续事件(ContinuousEvent):canplay、error、audio标签的timeupdate和canplay,优先级最高,为2。 var eventTime = requestEventTime(); { // $FlowExpectedError - jest isn‘t a global, and isn‘t recognized outside of tests if (‘undefined‘ !== typeof jest) { warnIfUnmockedScheduler(current$1); warnIfNotScopedWithMatchingAct(current$1); } } var lane = requestUpdateLane(current$1); //计算lane,优先级,赛车道路 { markRenderScheduled(lane); } var context = getContextForSubtree(parentComponent); if (container.context === null) { container.context = context; } else { container.pendingContext = context; } { if (isRendering && current !== null && !didWarnAboutNestedUpdates) { didWarnAboutNestedUpdates = true; error(‘Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; ‘ + ‘triggering nested component updates from render is not allowed. ‘ + ‘If necessary, trigger nested updates in componentDidUpdate.\n\n‘ + ‘Check the render method of %s.‘, getComponentName(current.type) || ‘Unknown‘); } } //创建更新 var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane); // Caution: React DevTools currently depends on this property // being called "element". update.payload = { element: element }; callback = callback === undefined ? null : callback; if (callback !== null) { { if (typeof callback !== ‘function‘) { error(‘render(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a ‘ + ‘function. Instead received: %s.‘, callback); } } update.callback = callback; } // 更新入队列 enqueueUpdate(current$1, update); // update对象创建完成后意味着需要对页面进行更新,会调用scheduleUpdateOnFiber进入调度 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(current$1, lane, eventTime); return lane; }
标签:loading ace style server too rgba nodetype eve global