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kendo 表格 示例

时间:2021-06-24 18:05:53      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:save   idv   als   ===   and   encode   dal   addclass   erp   

                dataSource: {
                    pageSize: 10,
                    serverPaging: true,
                    transport: {
                        read: this.bind(function (options) {
                            if (!options.data.pageSize) {
                                options.data.page = 1;
                            var PageSize = options.data.pageSize === undefined ? total : options.data.pageSize;
                            var PageIndex = options.data.page || 1;
                                url: this.api.getTodoFilesList,
                                type: get,
                                data: {
                                    userName: this.userId,
                                    title: ‘‘,
                                    fileType: ‘‘,
                                    status: ‘‘,
                                    taskTime: ‘‘,
                                    bigType: ‘‘,
                                    pageIndex: PageIndex,
                                    pageSize: PageSize
                   success: function(res) {
                      options.success(res); // 把求情到的参数放到表格中
                   } }
)); }) }, schema: { model: { id: linkID }, total: function (data) { total = data.total; return data.total; }, data: function (data) { return data.list; } } }, pageable: { pageSizes: true, // 是否显示跳转页 buttonCount: 5 // 默认显示几页 }, persistSelection: true, height: 500px, // 列表的高度 change: _this.bind(function () { _this.onChange1(); }), // 表头 columns: [ { width: 40, selectable: true }, { title: 序号, width: 80, field: index }, { title: 文件标题, field: title, width: 200 }, { title: 文件类型, field: fileType, width: 200 }, { title: 送达时间, field: taskTime, width: 160, template: function (data) { return moment(data.taskTime).format(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss); }, filterable: false, encoded: true }, { command: ‘‘, title: 操作, filterable: false, encoded: true, width: 120, template: function (dataItem) { var html = `<a href="#" class="text-primary" data-name="gridView" data-value="${dataItem.status}" title="${dataItem.status}" >${dataItem.status}</a>`; return html; } } ], // 回显数据用 dataBound: function (e) { var gridData = $(#gridTable).data(kendoGrid); var bbb = {}; _this.gouxuanshuju.forEach(item => { bbb[item] = true; }); gridData._selectedIds = bbb; if (!_this.element) { if ($(#saveBacklog).html()) { selectedLinID.find(function (item) { var aaa = e.sender._data.findIndex(function (data) { return data.linkID === item; }); if (aaa !== -1) { gridData.tbody.find(tr).eq(aaa).find(input[type=checkbox]).prop(checked, true); gridData.tbody.find(tr).eq(aaa).addClass(k-state-selected); } }); } } else { if ($(#modalSaveBacklog).html()) { selectedLinID.find(function (item) { var aaa = e.sender._data.findIndex(function (data) { return data.linkID === item; }); if (aaa !== -1) { gridData.tbody.find(tr).eq(aaa).find(input[type=checkbox]).prop(checked, true); gridData.tbody.find(tr).eq(aaa).addClass(k-state-selected); } }); } } }, editor: function (container, options) { console.log(container, options); }, sortable: true // 是否排序 });


kendo 表格 示例

标签:save   idv   als   ===   and   encode   dal   addclass   erp   


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