标签:style c class blog code tar
题意:对于n,m,k,定义n的操作,+m,-m,*m,%m,(You should know that if a = b * q + r (q > 0 and 0 <= r < q), then we have a % q = r.),问是否可以经过一系列的操作,使“[(the initial value of N) + 1] % K” is equal to “(the current value of N) % K”。
记n = 2, m = 8, k =3. 则((n * m)%k % m)%k = 1 而(n * m % m)%k = 0。
1 //Accepted 109MS 4208K 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <iostream> 5 #include <string> 6 #include <queue> 7 using namespace std; 8 queue<int >q; 9 queue<string> sq; 10 int n,k,m; 11 int ans; 12 int vis[1000005]; 13 int getpp(int nn) 14 { 15 int visd=nn%(k*m); 16 if (visd<0) visd+=m*k; 17 return visd; 18 } 19 void bfs() 20 { 21 int visd; 22 memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); 23 while (!q.empty()) q.pop(); 24 while (!sq.empty()) sq.pop(); 25 visd=getpp(n); 26 q.push(visd); 27 sq.push(""); 28 vis[visd]=1; 29 while (!q.empty()) 30 { 31 int nn=q.front(); 32 q.pop(); 33 string ss=sq.front(); 34 sq.pop(); 35 if ((nn%k+k)%k==ans) 36 { 37 printf("%d\n",ss.length()); 38 cout<<ss<<endl; 39 return ; 40 } 41 int nw=(nn+m); 42 nw=getpp(nw); 43 string ns=ss+"+"; 44 if (!vis[nw]) 45 { 46 q.push(nw); 47 sq.push(ns); 48 vis[nw]=1; 49 } 50 nw=(nn-m); 51 nw=getpp(nw); 52 ns=ss+"-"; 53 if (!vis[nw]) 54 { 55 q.push(nw); 56 sq.push(ns); 57 vis[nw]=1; 58 } 59 nw=nn*m; 60 nw=getpp(nw); 61 ns=ss+"*"; 62 if (!vis[nw]) 63 { 64 q.push(nw); 65 sq.push(ns); 66 vis[nw]=1; 67 } 68 nw=nn%m; 69 if (nw<0) nw+=m; 70 nw=getpp(nw); 71 ns=ss+"%"; 72 if (!vis[nw]) 73 { 74 q.push(nw); 75 sq.push(ns); 76 vis[nw]=1; 77 } 78 } 79 printf("%d\n",0); 80 } 81 int main() 82 { 83 while (scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&k,&m) && !(n==0 && k==0 && m==0)) 84 { 85 ans=(n+1)%k; 86 if (ans<0) ans+=k; 87 bfs(); 88 } 89 return 0; 90 }
标签:style c class blog code tar